- magnetic cellulose fiber 磁性纤维素纤维
- Shengma fiber is a new regenerated cellulose fiber coming from hemp material. 圣麻纤维是利用麻材生产的新型再生纤维素纤维。
- Shengma is a new cellulose fiber with excellent spinnability and dyeability. 圣麻纤维是利用麻材生产的新型再生纤维素纤维。
- In recent years,granular cellulose fiber for road construction is considered for engineering of practice gender which substitute gradualness loose cellulose for road construction. 近年来,从工程实际操作性来考虑,松散状路用木质素纤维逐渐被颗粒状路用木质素纤维所替代。
- Hontonsin AP-ZF is wash and wear no iron pitch finishing agent for cellulose fiber, synthetic fibre and its blends, it also can be used in the embossing, electro-lighting and pressing finishes. ZF是洗可穿免烫整理的树脂,用于纤维素纤维、合成纤维及其混纺织物的树脂整理,也可用于拷花、电光和轧光整理。
- Abstract: The good caustic solubility of both the soybean protein and the cellulose sulfonate makes it is possible to develop a new protein modified cellulose fiber by polyblending. 摘 要: 基于大豆蛋白和纤维素磺酸酯均具有良好的碱溶性,进行了以二者共混纺丝为主要过程的纤维素纤维的蛋白质改性。
- At present main cellulose fiber of the whole world is: Fiber sticking gum, acetic acid fiber, cupreous ammonia fiber and in recent years the NMMO dissolvent fiber of new development. 目前全球的主要纤维素纤维是:粘胶纤维、醋酸纤维、铜氨纤维以及近年新开发的NMMO溶剂纤维。
- The resource superiority, theoretical basis of making, and performance features of cellulose fiber buffering and packaging material were discussed together with its problem and developing trend. 对纤维素纤维缓冲包装材料原料的资源优势,制作理论基础,产品的性能特点,存在的问题及发展趋势,作了较为全面的论述。
- In the paper, thermal and tensile properties of casein protein fiber is tested and analyzed.DTG and DSC curves of the fibers are similar to those cellulose fibers. 摘要利用DTG和DSC技术对牛奶纤维的热学性质进行了测试和分析,测试结果显示了牛奶纤维与其它纤维素纤维的相似性。
- Viscose is then extruded through special orifices into an acid spinning bath to form cellulose fibers. 通过特制的孔将粘胶液挤出来,进入酸性纺丝浴中后便形成纤维素纤维。
- Founded in 1877, J. Rettenmaier + Sons (www.jrs.cn) is a German manufacturer of organic cellulose fibers and the dynamic leader of the worldwide fiber industry. 德国瑞登梅尔父子公司成立于1877年-是一家世界闻名的有机纤维素制造商,在同行业具领先地位。
- Viscose if then extruded through special orifices into an acid spinning bath to form cellulose fibers. 通过特制的孔将粘胶液挤压出来,进入酸性纺丝浴中后便形成纤维素纤维。
- A complex polymer, the chief noncarbohydrate constituent of wood, that binds to cellulose fibers and hardens and strengthens the cell walls of plants. 木质素一种复杂聚合物,是木头非碳水化合物的主要组成物,作用是凝聚纤维素并增强细胞壁的强度
- He previously served as mill manager and VP at Weyerhaeuser's Kingsport, Tenn., paper mill, and Kamloops, B.C., cellulose fibers mill. 他曾担任工厂经理和副总裁韦尔豪泽的金斯波特,田纳西州,造纸厂和坎卢普斯,公元前,纤维素纤维厂。
- The increased WRV of the treated cellulose fibers lead to an increase in accessibility and bonding force between the fibers. 超声波处理后,纤维的保水值增大,可提高材料对试剂的可及度及纤维间的结合力。
- In order to improve the hydroscopic property of fibers, cellulose fibers were treated with chloroacetic acid to prepare carboxymethyl cellulose fibers. 摘要为了改善纤维的吸湿性能,采用氯乙酸处理纤维素纤维来制备羧甲基纤维素纤维。
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- Some technological problems of power processing were stated in the enterprise which produces cellulose fibers of cigarette acetate tows. 拉丝机所设置的动力,即电机功率的大小,生产厂家一般是按最大受力情况配备的。
- As one of the most important cellulosic fiber, diacetate filament has been available commercially in 1920's. 二醋酯长丝在上世纪20年代就实现了工业化,是纤维素纤维的主要品种之一。
- He succeeds Michael Jackson who retired to assume the role of CEO of Verso Paper in Memphis, Tenn.Chandrasekaran was most recently VP, Manufacturing, Cellulose Fibers. 他将接替迈克尔杰克逊谁承担退休的作用首席执行官科罗维纸在田纳西州孟菲斯 钱最近的副总裁,制造,纤维素纤维。