- magnetic code reading wands 磁码读数杆
- optical code reading wand 光码读数杆
- COT COMPUTER OEM TRADING GMBH- the delivery program covers Bar Code Reading Device, Thermotransfer Printer and printer as well as Adhesive labels and Laser printers. cot COMPUTER OEM TRADING GMBH 是一家现代化的、靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事打印机、刷机,粘接标签,激光打印机的制造、售。请您访问我们的主页或者发送给我们电子邮件,垂询当前的产品类别和服务。
- The code reads records from a data source and updates the progress bar and label every time a data record is read. 该代码从数据源中读取记录,并在每次读取数据记录时更新进度栏和标签。
- The symbol bar code reading, there are two rectangular in shape, bar code symbol, optical scanner line graphics information drdw systems'dominant is the bar code symbol to read and and recognition. 后者可堵住计算机把持,达成按请求即时打印,灵活性较不不弱。条码打印摆设有喷墨打印机、冷敏打印机、冷转印打印机、击打式不背阵打印机和激平打印机。
- Since a strong magnet is used for the speaker, keep personal credit cards, etc., Using magnetic coding away from the unit. 本机采用磁性很强的扬声器,因此,凡带磁性码的现金卡等均应和本机保持距离。
- To use this technique with the anti-counterfeiting features IC card, 2-d magnetic codes and magcard. 拔取此技艺制作的具有不攻假功用IC卡、二维磁码和磁卡。
- A complete whole-body spectra analysis program hasbeen made up from combination of this program ATBK and the ND-ASAP softeware througha transform code READ written in this laboratory. 通过自编的转换程序READ,使ATBK与ND-ASAP谱分析软件相联合,组成了一个人体测量数据自动分析系统。
- Software bar code and patch code reading 软件条码以及补丁代码的读取
- Code Reading The Open Source Perspective. Rar 代码阅读与开放源透视
- Holographic Laser Scanner for Bar Code Reading 用于条形码阅读的全息扫描器
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- IR Remote Control Unit Code Read System 红外线遥控器读码软件,显示红外线波型,读取并保存码
- This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客。
- A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。
- Sorry. I must have got the wrong area code. 对不起,我一定是拔错地区号码了。
- Certain metals are attracted to a magnet. 某些金属会受磁石的吸引。
- The highway code is not itself part of English law. 公路法规本身并非是英国法的一部分。
- The Highway Code has been carried. 公路法规已经被执行。
- It shows the presence of a magnetic field. 这表明有磁场存在。