- self-balancing magnetic servo amplifier 自平衡磁伺服放大器
- magnetic servo amplifier 磁性伺服放大器
- So you don't need a separate servo amplifier. 因此,无需单独的伺服放大器。
- FX2 PLC as master control unit combined with a MR-J2 servo motor, an orientation module and a servo amplifier to make a system. 摘要为满足矽钢片剪切机工艺精度要求,用三菱FX2系列PLC作为主控单元,与定位模块、伺服放大器及MR-J2系列伺服电动机组成控制系统。
- A micro ball screw and PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) servo amplifier based on Smart Power IC SPIC are applied in this system. Higher accuracy, band width, linearity, efficiency and linear displacement output are characteristics of the system. 该系统采用了航空精密微型滚珠螺旋副和基于智能功率集成电路(SmartPowerIC-SPIC)的PWM(PulseWidthModula-tion)伺服放大器,具有精度高、频带宽、线性度好、效率高和线位移输出方式等特点。
- Design of the pulse width servo amplifier 一种脉冲调宽型伺服放大器的设计
- electro-hydraulic servo amplifier 电液伺服放大器
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- A Way-quick to Test Servo Amplifiers in Line 伺服放大器在线便捷调校法
- This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客。
- Effect of the Power Supply Voltage on the Dynamic Performance of Servo Amplifier 电源电压对伺服放大器动态特性的影响
- A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。
- Certain metals are attracted to a magnet. 某些金属会受磁石的吸引。
- It shows the presence of a magnetic field. 这表明有磁场存在。
- North magnetic poles repel (each other). 磁北极与磁北极互相排斥。
- Having the same magnetic inclination or dip. 等磁倾的有相同的磁倾斜的
- The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on. 通电时线圈即具磁性。
- Human beings have learned out how to make magnet of cast iron. 人类已经学会如何从生铁制出磁铁。
- Forbidden City is a great magnet for foreign tourists. 紫禁城对外国旅游者来说是个有巨大吸引力的地方。
- servo amplifier 跟踪系统放大器,伺服放大器