- magneto striction cutter 磁致伸缩切割器
- magneto striction subaqueous microphone 水下磁致伸缩传声器
- magneto striction pressure gauge 磁致伸缩压力计
- magneto striction cookie cutter 磁致伸缩曲奇切割器
- magneto striction vibrator 磁致伸缩振动器
- magneto striction echo sounder 磁致伸缩回声测深器
- magneto striction filter 磁致伸缩滤波器
- magneto striction microphone 磁致伸缩传声器
- magneto striction strain gauge 磁致伸缩应变仪
- The coastguard cutter cruise along the coast look for smuggler. 海岸警卫队缉私艇沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。
- magneto striction transducer 磁致伸缩换能器
- magneto striction transmitter 磁致伸缩发射机
- They are bailing out the cutter. 他们正在把小艇里的水往外舀。
- The cutter was bearing down the channel at 12knots. 快艇以每小时12海里的速度从向风的一侧驶近海峡。
- We got to work and succeeded in making our cutter. 我们干了起来,终于把刀具制成了。
- The list include a furniture caster, a biscuit cutter, and a crystal vase. 清单包括一个家俱底部的万向轮,一个饼乾切割器和一个水晶花瓶。
- Gleason spiral bevel gear cutter. 格里森螺旋伞齿轮铣刀。
- The wood - cutter bunched his wood up. 樵夫将柴捆成捆。
- The new Ford Magneto boasts 87 mpg on the highway. 新福特磁发动机在高速上可跑87英里/加仑。
- The wood - cutter is busy bunching. 樵夫在忙于捆柴。