- This lens can magnify 20 diameter. 这个透镜能放大20倍。
- Telescopes and microscopes magnify. 望远镜和显微镜能放大。
- The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl. 狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施发妖术。
- He is inclined to magnify difficulties. 他老是爱夸大困难。
- She tends to magnify all her problems. 她往往夸大所有的问题。
- He tried to magnify the part he acted in the play. 他试图夸大他在剧中扮演的角色。
- I want to magnify my mother's picture. 我想放大我母亲的照片。
- She is inclined to magnify her troubles. 她喜欢夸大她的困难。
- Magnify the magnitude of the magnetism. 放大磁性的大小。
- He is inclined to magnify the difficulties. 他想夸大困难。
- We magnify objects with a microscope. 我们用显微镜放大物体。
- She tends lo magnify all her problems. 她一向言过其实,夸大她的问题。
- The pendulum ticks callously, heartlessly. 这是谁的遗训?
- How can people kill them so heartlessly? 人为什么可以这么地残忍杀害它们?
- But, a disaster plunged the girl heartlessly. 可是,一次灾难无情地扑向了女孩。
- His arm was pushed away heartlessly. 被云雀恭弥毫不留情的扫开。
- Minor advance be magnify Into victory . 小小的进步被夸大成胜利。
- You couldn't be so heartless as to disown him. 你不能那么没心肝,连认都不认他。
- Smile seemed heartless in its brilliancy. 她那容光焕发的微笑似乎是残酷的。
- Tony wanted to magnify that picture. 汤尼要把那张照片放大。