- mahayana sustra 大乘论
- Egoism and altruism are the essence of Mahayana. 自利利他思想是大乘佛教的精髓。
- Zen and Mi both belong to Mahayana Buddhism. 禅宗和密宗都属于大乘佛教。
- But in the Mahayana there is no goal. 但在大乘佛教中,并没有所谓的目标存在。
- Bodhisattvas, and followers of the Mahayana school. 常念知足。安贫守道。惟慧是业。
- Mahayana Buddhism must take the path of serving the mass public. 大乘佛法必须要走群众路线。
- Mahayana Buddhism spread from India into China and Japan. 大乘佛教由印度传入中国和日本。
- Books on Mahayana Buddhism were completely lost in India. 属于大乘佛教的佛典,在印度是完全消失的。
- The Tibetan Buddhism is Great Vehicle (Mahayana) Buddhism. 西藏佛教是伟大的媒介物(大乘佛教)。
- Theravada Buddhism in mahayana Buddhism and some character is what? 小乘佛教和大乘佛教中都有的人物是哪些?
- No scholar can claim expertise in all areas of Mahayana Buddhism. 没有学者能够声称自己是大乘佛教所有领域里的专家。
- Mahayana is not, and never was, a single unitary phenomenon. 大乘佛教现在不是,也从来不是一个单一的现象。
- Mahayana literature was written mostly in Sanskrit and mixed Sanskrit. 这些大乘佛教的文献都是用梵文与混合梵文写程。
- Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China, inhabited by the Han nationality. 世纪,大乘佛教传人汉人居住的中原地区。
- This is called Hinayana. But you initiated disciples are my Mahayana disciples. 这是叫小乘,你们印心的弟子就是师父大乘的徒弟。
- It is said that Master Xuan Zang once stayed in a Mahayana temple in India. 大雁塔的得名还有一段有趣的故事呢!
- We separate Mahayana, Theravada and Vajrayana this three categories. 弘法组分为北传,南传及藏传三大类。
- We visited a number of well-known Theravada, Mahayana and Tibetan monasteries. 希望借由这次的介绍,呈现新加坡各种不同的多元旅游风貌。
- Samantabhadra Bodhisattva is willing to visit the Mahayana Buddhist symbol. 普贤菩萨是大乘佛教行愿的象征。"
- Mahayana main language is mandarin.They focus in puja, self-cultivation. 北传佛教以华语为主要的媒介语,着重在讲经说法,修行的活动。