- Send a mail with the selected contact as attachment. 将选中联系人发送为电子邮件附件。
- My secretary opened my mail as soon as it arrived. 我的秘书一接到我的信就把它打开了。
- Please get my mail as well while you're at it. 你就手儿把我的信件也带来吧。
- mail as attachment 附件, 附加到电子邮件系统的文档
- send mail as attachment 以附件方式发送邮件
- A DDA form will be sent to you by mail as soon as possible upon request. 本处会于接到要求后,尽早以邮寄方式寄上直接付款授权书表格予你。
- Because Kim sent mail as an anonymous user, her e-mail address did not resolve. 因为Kim是作为匿名用户发送邮件,所以不会解析她的电子邮件地址。
- On the File menu, point to Send E-mail, and then click Send Publication as Attachment. 在“文件”菜单上,指向“发送电子邮件”,然后单击“以附件形式发送出版物”。
- FYR, We are sending you the PDF file as attached. 前南斯拉夫,我们向您的PDF文件作为附件。
- For all sales, pls confirm back the contact way of customer (as attachment), pls revise and add directly if any update. 请各相关销售人员确认附件中的客户联络方式是否正确,并做出修正或添加。
- Fax machine is now widely used instead of mail as a faster and more efficient way to send information. 目前,传真机作为一种速度更快,效率更高的传递信息的方法已代替信函而被广泛地采用了。
- Julian Greenwood, of Stranmillis University College, Belfast, Northern Ireland, was quoted by the Daily Mail as saying. 这项研究的结果将于下月在科学期刊《侧性》上发表。
- Relative documents will be mailed as soon as they are ready. 有关单证一俟备妥当即寄上。
- The stamps, labels, or printing placed on an item to be mailed as evidence of payment of this charge. 邮资已付邮戳贴于需邮寄物品之上作为已付邮资之证明的邮票、标签或印戳
- Avoid temperature rising of hydraulic oil as attached oil cooler. 油压油冷装置,防止升温。
- Here I correct several mistakes for you, see as attached. 下面我帮你纠正几个错误,附件里有详细信息!
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- I got a new inquiry for the Billiard tables for Sri-Lanka as attached. 我方刚接到对台球桌(面向斯里兰卡出市场,如图)的询价。
- That's why after Ieft the Chinese consulate, I Mail as chased around and worried very much about my safety. I worried Mailbout they may kidnap me, use the sames hannel. 那就是为什么我离开中领馆后,我被追踪,我非常担忧我的安全。我担心他们绑架我,通过同样的渠道。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。