- There's been a slight hiccup in our mailing system. 我们的邮政系统临时出了一点小问题。
- I can send him a note via the internal mail system. 我可以通过内部通信系统给他发个通知。
- Unable to load mail system support. 无法加载邮件系统支持。
- Enhanced Mail System Status Codes. 增强型邮件系统状态码。
- Mail system at tarsier.geekcn.org has finally done! 注意必须是原信,转发不算。如果有的话请和我联系。
- This is the mail system at host rt.drweb.com. 一下是邮件该邮件的意思是不是含有病毒已经能被干掉了啊?!!
- The using of the mail system to defraud the public. 利用邮政系统诈骗公众的行为。
- There' s been a slight hiccup in our mailing system. 我们的邮政系统临时出了一点小问题.
- In Game Mail System Coming In Twilight Forge Module! 邮件系统即将开放!
- Welcome to Mail System of Yunnan Astronomical Observatory! 欢迎进入云南天文台电子邮件系统!
- It's strange: Your e-mail is being flagged as spam by my mailing system. 真奇怪,我的邮件系统把你的邮件标为了垃圾邮件。
- The replication operation encountered an error with the mail system. 复制操作遇到一个邮件系统错误。
- This will help ensure a smooth transition from a legacy voice mail system. 这有助于确保从旧版语音邮件系统平稳地完成过渡。
- Alternatively, they can change it upon later use of the voice mail system. 或者,您可以在使用语言邮件系统之后更改它。
- All UNX systems come with at least a rudimentary mail system. 每个UNIX系统都至少有一个简易邮政系统。
- A few days a go a e-mail was send out by someone who had found a bug on out mailing system. 几天前;有人发现了我们邮箱系统的漏洞并向我们的用户发送了邮件.
- As you know, China's undergoing a snow storm. We will mail you the receipt as soon as the mailing system works again. 留学解答资讯网:您知道的,中国正在遭受一场雪灾,我们会在邮政通畅后尽快给您寄送发票。
- It is used to provide the voice mail system with the information that it must have to process an incoming call. 使用该接口可以为语音邮件系统提供处理传入呼叫所需的信息。
- Fetchmail is run in daemon mode to fetch mail from a POP3 account with an ISP into the local mail system. fetchmail以daemon方式运行,用ISP提供的POP3帐号将邮件收到本地邮件系统。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。