- One of the main disadvantages of this system is that it uses very large amounts of fuel. 该系统的主要弱点之一是消耗大量燃料。
- The other candidate's main disadvantage is her age. 另一候选人的主要不利条件是她的年龄问题.
- Its main disadvantage is that it is non-absorbent. 它的主要缺点是无吸收性。
- Relinquishing some of the decision-making and some of thepotential for profits are the main disadvantages of equity financing. 因此作为股份融资来说,缺点就是会丧失一些决策权及潜在收益。
- The advantages of being in a partnership are that assets, expertise and expenses can be shared by the partners. The main disadvantages is the unlimited liability of each partner. 合伙人架构的好处是资产、专长和成本皆由合伙人共享、分担。不好的地方是每一位合伙人因此而承担无限责任。
- Serious welding spatter,bad formation,infirm self-adjustability of welding arc are the main disadvantages of CO2 gas shield arc welding which limit its further application. CO2气体保护焊存在飞溅大、焊缝成形差、电弧自调性能差等缺点,制约了其推广和应用。
- Besides,it shows the main disadvantages during the administration of county-level governments and reform in two ways from the idea renewal and the system innovation to overstep the barrier. 而目前县级行政管理中尚存在着阻碍政府职能转变的若干弊端,这些弊端应经由观念更新和体制创新两条路径予以克服。
- This paper points out main disadvantages of mining technology being used in small collieries and discusses how to adopt long room system to reform the current technology of mining. 论述了目前小煤矿开采技术存在的主要问题,探讨了采用长房式采煤法改革小煤矿开采的技术问题,此法适用于条件合适的小煤矿。
- The main disadvantage of this approach is some hairy code for erasing elements. 这种方法的主要缺点是删除元素的代码有点不太好看。
- Possibly the main disadvantage of this group is its rather low resistance to abrasion (on some types). 这种衬布主要的缺点是耐磨性较差。
- However LT is a toxicoid with the same as CT,which is the main disadvantage of LT as immunoadjuvant. 但是LT和CT一样本身具有毒性,这是其作为黏膜佐剂的主要缺点。
- The main disadvantage is each closet requires a subnet as does the connection from HWC to IDF and from IDF to MDF. 主要缺点是每个壁橱需要一个子网的连接是否从hwc以色列国防军和以色列国防军中密度纤维板。
- The main disadvantage of paint with hardener added is its short pot life before the paint starts to gel. 添加了硬化剂的油漆的主要弱点是短命,油漆来不及胶化。
- The main disadvantage of BSD-style is that you have to use some other method of controlling daemons. BSD风格的主要缺点是你需要一些其他方法来控制后台服务。
- The main disadvantage of static factory methods is that classes without public or protected constructors cannot be subclassed. 静态工厂方法的主要缺点是,类如果不含公有的或者受保护的构造函数,就不能被子类化。
- The main disadvantage of the design is that a large witness mark is left on the moulding which must subsequently be trimmed and finished. 这种设计的主要缺点是在塑件上留下一个可见的痕迹,从而必须增加一道后续的修剪和抛光的工序。
- The main disadvantage associated with this option is that administrators must determine how to share or divide responsibilities for managing Active Directory and Exchange objects. 使用该选项的主要缺点是,管理员必须确定如何分配或划分管理Active Directory和Exchange对象的职责。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- The main disadvantage, for a competitive software product, is that a native Win32 port of an application will generally be faster and will inevitably have more functionality. 对于想在竞争中取胜的软件产品来说,主要的缺点是应用程序的本机Win32移植一般较快并且必然将具有更多的功能。
- Crowds thronged the main square of the city. 城里的大广场上挤满了人群。