- The main force of the enemy met with a check. 敌人的主力受到了牵制。
- All the main forces of the Red Army are concentrated. (三)红军主力的全部集中;
- These are the things the main forces of the Red Army must attend to on the eve of a large-scale enemy offensive. 这是在敌人大举进攻的前夜主力红军的必要的处置。
- By such a retreat towards the centre all the main forces of the Red Army can be concentrated. 通过后退并朝着中心方向前进能够使全部红军主力完全集中起来。
- The three front armies which form the main forces of the Red Army have been brought under a unified command,which is unprecedented. 红军主力三个方面军已经统一指挥,此事为前此所未有。
- The brigade was split in two groups during fighting and withdrew toward Baghdad and toward Karabela to join the main forces of the ["Medina"] division. 在战斗中,该旅分成两部,并分别撤向巴格达和卡尔巴拉,去加入“麦地那”师的主力部队。
- The three front armies which form the main forces of the Red Army have been brought under a unified command, which is unprecedented. 红军主力三个方面军已经统一指挥,此事为前此所未有。
- Their attention was fixed on the whereabouts of the main force of the Red Army. 他们集中注意红军的主力在哪里。
- Seeing the main force of our army, the enemies were terror-stricken and fled. 见到我军主力,敌人亡魂丧胆,落荒而逃。
- The forces of reaction made reform difficult. 反动势力给改革造成了困难。
- The Collection of Liu Zaifu's Works. 刘再复精选集。
- Yeah, that's it, the Tombstone of Liu Ziyu. 就是它呀,刘公神道碑。
- The Lungkang-Yuantou sector,where the main forces of the Chang and Tan divisions were located,was close to our concentrations,and there was good popular support to cover our approach. 张、谭两师主力所在的龙冈、源头一带接近我之集中地,且人民条件好,能荫蔽接近。
- She acted the part of Liu Hulan very well. 她扮演刘胡兰这个角色很出色。
- The detachment of the main force was ambushed by the enemy. 从主力部队派遣的小分队遭到敌人的伏击。
- We are scornful of the forces of convention. 我们藐视习惯势力。
- If this is done,not only will the main forces of the armies in the east be assured of victory instead of being isolated,but we shall also be able to disrupt the enemy's operational system and divide and encircle enemy troops. 此着成功,既可使东线兵团不致孤立,使东线主力作战有必胜之把握,又可做到打乱敌人作战体系,达成割裂包围敌人之目的。
- The forces of Cassius were hard pressed early in the battle. 在战斗初期,卡修斯的部队处境艰难。
- As for moving to eastern Hunan,it was certainly inadvisable for the main forces of the Red Army to do so unless there was a split among the ruling landlords of Hunan,Hupeh and Kiangsi Provinces. 至于往湘东,在湘鄂赣三省豪绅政权尚未分裂之前,亦决不宜用红军的主力去。
- The studio of "Reading Time" drew a group of special guests tonight, who are all students of Liu Wei. 今天《读书时间》的演播室来了一群特殊的客人,他们是刘为的学生。