- main reservoir outlet cock 储气主筒开放旋塞
- The main reservoir of nitrogen is the atmosphere. 氮的主要蓄存库是大气层。
- Cretaceous sandstone and Eogene mudstone are the main reservoir and caprock. 油气从油气田东部注入 ,由东向西运移并差异聚集 ,依次形成凝析气藏、带油环凝析气藏和挥发性油藏。
- Singapore has three main reservoirs. 新加坡有三个主要的蓄水池。
- Discharging of compressed air through locomotive main reservoir after turning of the batteries. Loco 17. 17号车断电后漏总风,检查已经不漏了。
- The main reservoir types in Ordovician carbonate formation in Tahe Oilfield are dissolution fractures and caves. 塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层的主要储集空间为溶蚀缝、洞。
- The main reservoir spaces in Archean are mainly tensional,steeply dipped fractures oriented in NE and NW directions and micro-cracks formed in the middle or the Late Mesozoic. 茨榆坨潜山储集空间主要是裂缝和微裂隙,太古界储层主要发育北东向和北西向两组裂缝,以高角度张性裂缝为主,形成于中生代中、晚期;
- Objective To understand main reservoir specie s of EHF in Dangshan so as to make related counter-measures,prevent and control EHF pr evalence. 目的:探讨砀山县肾综合征出血热(EHF)的宿主动物,明确主要传染源种类,为预防和控制EHF的发生与流行,给制订防治对策提供科学依据。
- The carbonatite reservoir of Ordovician weathered crust in Shanganning Basin belongs to palaeokarst and its main reservoir spaces are denudation vugs. 陕甘宁盆地中部奥陶系风化壳碳酸盐岩储集层属于古岩溶型,主要储集空间是溶蚀孔洞。
- Limestone bearing dolomite and calcitic dolomite are the main reservoir rocks with reference to the component of dolomite. 从白云岩成分上来讲,含灰云岩与灰质云岩是白云岩储层的主要岩性;
- In the lower part of Member 3 of Shahejie Formation, the main reservoir types are fan-delta and sublacustrine fan facies. 沙三段下亚段主要储层沉积相类型为扇三角洲相和湖底扇相。
- The main reservoir of Jurassic Badaowan Formation at Wuxia area is composed of sandbodies of alluvial fan and braided river. 摘要准噶尔盆地乌夏地区侏罗系八道湾组储层发育一套冲积扇、辫状河砂砾岩体。
- Sandy clastic current in sedimentary system of slope was the main reservoir type, and it was also a hot topic of reservoir research at present. 摘要斜坡沉积体系中的砂质碎屑流沉积是斜坡带的主要储集体类型,也是现阶段储层研究的热点之一。
- Conclusion: Risk factors that will induce the epidemic of plague include main reservoir and main vehicle and nature climate have exited in Qujing city. 结论:鼠疫流行危险因素中的主要宿主和媒介在曲靖市均已存在。
- The research shows that Shan_2~3, main reservoir rock type is quartzose standstone, that of He_8~1, is lithic sandstone and Heg_8~2, rock type is nearly single lithic sandstone. 研究区山西组山_2~3段储集层岩石类型主要为石英砂岩,下石盒子组盒_8~1段岩石类型主要为岩屑砂岩,盒_8~2段岩石类型几乎全为岩屑砂岩。
- The main reservoir in the lower Shanxi Formation (Lower Permian) is composed of quartz sandstones in Changbei Block of the Yulin Gas Field in the east Ordos Basin. 鄂尔多斯盆地东部榆林气田长北区块主力储集层是下二叠统山西组下段的石英砂岩,将用水平井开发。
- Main reservoir spaces in subaerial volcanic rocks are primary pore, condensing shrinkage joint, secondary dissolution pore, cleavage fissure in mineral and structural fracture. 水下喷发火山岩多为具玻璃质结构的熔岩和含晶屑玻屑的层/沉凝灰岩、膨润土/伊利石岩/蒙脱石岩/沸石岩;
- The main reservoir sandstone of HZ 26-1 oil field in South Chian Sea is barrier-coastal sandstone-sand bodies which were deposited during Tertiary transgression. 南海HZ26-1油田主要储层为第三系海进型障壁滨岸沉积体系砂体,包括海滩砂体、障壁坝砂体及沿岸坝砂体。
- The main reservoir space in oolitic beach is the corrosion cavern formed by the corrosion action of atmospheric fresh water, organic acid and sulphuric acid. 川东北飞仙关组鲕滩储层的主要储集空间为溶蚀孔洞,主要由大气淡水溶蚀作用、有机酸溶蚀作用和硫酸溶蚀作用所形成。
- outlet cock 放出旋塞