- Nanfeihe river is a main river in Hefei city. 摘要南淝河是合肥市一条主要河流。
- The third factor resulted in the aggradation of main river valley. 河川的再下切则均与沈积物减少有关。
- On this map blue lines designate main rivers. 在这张地图上蓝线指明了主要的河流。
- The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River. 宜昌境内主要河流的长江和清江。
- The 90th Division, on Patton's left flank, headed east toward Hanau on the Main River. 位于巴顿左翼之第90师东向朝美因河之哈瑙城进发。
- In 1192, the Japanese feudalism main river's door constructs fortress here, and assigns name to by his name. 1192年,日本封建主江户在这里建筑城堡,并且以他的名字命名。
- The main rivers are Rio Bravo, Mexico River Balsas River and subunits. 主要河流有布拉沃河、巴尔萨斯河和亚基墨西哥河。
- The upper part of the main river alluvium in modern times, the lower the pour-shaped alluvium. 上部主要是近代河流冲积层,下部为倾状冲积层。
- Draw a map of Africa and show the courses of the main rivers. 画一幅非洲地图,并且标明主要河流的路线。
- Construct dykes along the main river course of the Tarim to channel water through the inland delta down to the lower reaches. River branches are cut off. 沿着塔里木河干流建堤坝,把水通过中游的内陆三角洲送到下游。塔里木内陆三角洲的支流被打断了。
- Based on the experiment, two patterns in confluence between debris flow and Main River, stratification flow and submerging flow, are put forward. 根据泥石流在交汇区的流动特性,试验得出两种不同的交汇模式,即“有分层交汇”模式和无明显分层的“潜入式交汇”模式。
- The Volga, Russia's main river and the largest and longest in Europe flows over 2300 miles into the land-locked Caspian Sea. 流入里海的伏尔加河全长3690公里,是俄罗斯最大河流,也是欧洲第一长河。
- A city of central Germany on the Main River east of Frankfurt. Chartered in 1303, it is a center of the country's jewelry industry. Population, 84,373. 哈瑙:德国中部,法兰克福以东,莱茵河畔的一个城市。在1303年获得成立自治市的特许状,今天已成为这个国家的珠宝工业的中心。人口84,373
- A driver called police after seeing a man sitting on top of the road bridge on the Main river near Frankfurt, and thought the25- year-old planned to kill himself. 据路透社5月8日报道,这座吊桥坐落在距离法兰克福市不远的美因河畔。一位司机在看到有一个男人站在桥的顶端时立即报了警。他以为,这位现年25岁的年轻人肯定是打算在此结束自己的生命。警方在获知此消息后,马上派出数辆警车、防车,以及一艘配备有多名潜水员的警用快艇迅速赶往现场。
- The bulk of the money will be spent on projects preventing waterlogging, drainage of the main river and its tributaries, and relocation of people living in known disaster areas. 大部分资金将用于主干河流的预防洪涝工程,部分用于疏通排解河流及其支流,灾区人民的迁徙等。
- By systematic investigation and assessment of current situation of the water environment of Handan city, we found out the causes of the pollution in every main river of the city. 摘要对邯郸市的水环境现状进行了系统的调查评价,查清了各主要河流污染的原因。
- The bulk of the money will be spent on projects preventing waterlogging , drainage of the main river and its tributaries, and relocation of people living in known disaster areas. 大部分资金将用于主干河流的预防洪涝工程,部分用于疏通排解河流及其支流,灾区人民的迁徙等。
- Whitestone clans consist of the hardy people whom populate the area around Whitestone mountain and the people of Halvare who reside along the main river. 白石宗族-统一部族人居住在高海拔的山区和东南部的高原。
- The results indicated that the water quality in main river was better than tributaries,downstream was better than upstream and suburbh an river was better than urban river. 结果表明主干流的水质逐渐得到改善,但不同河段的水质变化较大。主干流水质好于支流、下游水质好于上游、远离城市河段好于市区河段。
- The results show that the extracted river system matches well with the natural river system by means of adding the elevation data and digitizing main river with pseudo river. 结果表明,在盆地区域添加能反映微地形变化的数据点,并将河谷中出现伪河道的干流河网数字化,能生成反映流域实际情况的模拟河网。