- main structure of Wushu 武术主体结构
- The paper introduces the main structure of HZD- 4000 arc stacker. 介绍了HZD-4000弧形堆料机的主要结构。
- The table below shows the main structure of processing real time data. 下面的表显示了处理实时数据的主要结构。
- A spar that connects the tail surfaces and the main structure of an airplane. 尾桁连接飞机的尾部表面和机身的桁
- What are the main points of wushu ethics? 武术的道德要点是什么?
- Verticality and the main structure of the overall total deviation should be allowed to meet the plane bending norms. 主体结构的整体垂直度和整体平面弯曲的允许偏差应符合规范的规定.
- Block-based hybrid coding is the main structure of video coding now and in the near further. 视频编码中基于块的混合编码是现在以及将来的一段时间内的主流。
- The main structure of Cathay Building was a block at the back of the cinema. How many storeys did it comprise? 国泰戏院的主建造是电影院后面的大厦。大厦有多少层楼?
- The machine operator must be familiar with the main structure of shears, performance and use. 本机床操作把手人员必须熟悉剪板机主要结构、性能和使用方法。
- The main structure of the construction project must be constructed by the contractor itself. 建设工程主体结构的施工必须由承包人自行完成。
- The main structure of the White-light Lidar and time-resolved spectrum detecting technology were introduced. 介绍了白光激光雷达系统结构和时间分辨光谱探测技术;
- On the Educational Value of Wushu in College P.E. 浅析武术在我国学校体育教育中的价值。
- A wider strategic framework has not been sustained: A wider strategic main structure of the relationship has not been maintained. 没有保持较为宽广的战略性的格局。
- The main structure of the tail was axoneme, which was slim and long.The structure of the tail was of the typical “9+2” model. 尾部细长,主要结构是轴丝,为典型的“9+2”微管结构。
- A projecting frame extending laterally beyond the main structure of a vehicle, an aircraft, or a machine to stabilize the structure or support an extending part. 悬臂支架为使结构稳固或支撑外延部分而从车辆、飞机或机器的侧面延伸至主体之外的架子
- The principle, constitution and main structure of various parts of transverse vibration test-bed for fasteners were introduced in detail. 详细介绍了紧固件横向振动试验台的原理、组成及各部分主要结构。
- The main structure of Futai oilfield is composed of the Lower Paleozoic Chegu 20 buried hill and the overlying Eogene Che 3 nose-like structure. 富台油气田的主体构造由下古生界车古20潜山和其上覆的下第三系车3鼻状构造两部分组成。
- The ordovician is outcropped in peripheral of Tarim basin and was encountered in drilling of main structure of the cover area. 塔里木盆地奥陶系出露于盆地周缘并在覆盖区主要构造单元钻遇。覆盖区奥陶系包括台地相、斜坡相和槽盆相三大类型;
- The microscopic structure of tissue. 组织机构组织的微观结构
- Jeff: It is not very hard to learn. The main form of wushu is routine exercise. 杰夫:学习并不太难,武术的主要运动形式是套路练习。