- There are two main vegetation types, alpine meadow and alpine shrub, in the region of the research station. 高寒草甸和高寒灌丛是海北站地区的两种主要的植被类型。
- Dong Houde.The main vegetation types and distribution in the East Liao Ning[J].Report of Phytoecologica and Botany,1981,(4):24-28. [2]董厚德.;辽宁东部主要植被类型及其分布[J]
- The floristic, structure and distribution of main vegetation types in Changtan reservoir drainage area in Huangyan, Zhejiang Province were investigated. 摘要研究了黄岩长潭水库流域主要植被类型的结构、组成和分布。
- The vegetation types are abundant in BNR and their vertical distribution is obvious. The main vegetation types have been classified into 37 formations, belonging to 8 subvegetation and 5 vegetation types. 该区植被类型多样 ,植被垂直分异较为明显 ,其植被类型可以划分为 5个植被型 ,8个植被亚型 ,37个群系。
- main vegetation type 主要植被类型
- A Preliminary Study on the Main Vegetation Types and their Distribution in Shanxi Province 山西主要植被类型及其分布的初步研究
- Southern mountain forest cover in the main vegetation. 南部山区植被以森林覆盖为主。
- The Cooresponding Analysis between Soil Moisture and Main Vegetation Types of the Mat-Cryic Cambisols at Different Topographic Position in Haibei Area 寒冻雏形土不同地形部位土壤湿度及其与主要植被类型的对应关系
- Classification system on wetland vegetation in Zhejiang Province and main vegetation types and their distribution characteristics 浙江省湿地植被分类系统及主要植被类型与分布特点
- The heath series includes poor vegetation types. 石楠系列包含的是贫乏植被类型。
- The term "vegetation type" designates the principal unit of major rank in Russian geobotany. 在苏联地球植物学中,“植被型”一词是指主要高级单位。
- Quercus mongolica community is upstage community.Parkland vegetation is the most stable vegetation type on land. 蒙古柞群落是顶极群落,疏林草地植被是沙地最稳定的植被类型。
- main vegetation types 主要植被
- Montane mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forests is endemic forest vegetation type of China. 山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林是我国特有的森林植被类型。
- Forest vegetation types in Gutianshan Natural Reserve in Zhejiang. 浙江古田山自然保护区森林植被类型。
- Character synusia is not always a dominant one, but the presence of which is particularly characteristic of a given vegetation type. 特征层片并不总是优势层片,但它的存在特别可作为一定植被型的特征。
- The author has also studied the liana of major vegetation types. 这个作者也对主要植被类型中的藤本植物进行了相应的研究。
- The vegetation type is essentially halophytic in the center with widespread grasses along the sandy shore of the Island. 在沿著本岛的沙岸广布草地中央的植群型基本上都是属于盐生性植物。
- There are many different factors affecting overland flow,such as climate,geology and vegetation,among which vegetation type is a key factor. 影响地表径流的因素有气候、地质、植被等诸多因子,植被因素的影响甚为突出。