- This frequency range is proximate to main vibration frequency of the traction machine at rated speed, and, according to this, measures against elevator resonance are proposed. 并针对该频率区与曳引机主机额定转速-主振频率接近的特点,提出了防止电梯发生系统共振的措施。
- Discussion on Application of the Peak Particle Velocity and Main Vibration Frequency in Blast Vibration Monitoring 质点振动速度与主振频率在爆破监测中的应用
- main vibration frequency 主振频率
- This paper analyzes the modal of Y7125 gear grinder spindle,gets o ut the main four stages of spindle vibration frequency and deals with the data. 基于有限元方法,对Y7125型磨齿机的砂轮主轴进行模态分析,得出了四阶主振动频率,并对数据进行了处理。
- The vibration frequency of the vocal cords determines the pitch of the voices. 声门震动的快,决定声音的基本频率(即音高)。
- This article analyzes the main vibration questions about the AWC hydraulic system and give the effective solution to the questions. 本文对AWC液压系统阀架管道振动问题进行了分析,找到了有效的解决办法。
- And a method of vibration control about the main vibration resource (100V10) is proposed to reduce the amplitude of Benfield frame vibration. 采用剪切型橡胶减震器对主动力源100V10进行减震设计,使框架的振荡幅值降低到允许的限值,基本解决了苯菲尔车间框架振荡的问题。
- The vibration frequency is given by (4. 25), except that m is replaced by the reduced mass. 振动频率在(4.;25)中给出;只是m用折合质量代替。
- It is for telemetering the vibration frequency, dynamic stress and temperature of turbine blades under dynamic state. 用于涡轮机叶片在动态状态下对其振动频率、动应力和温度进行遥测。
- In this paper,firstly we built a finite element model of the folding wing by MSC/PATRAN and solved the main vibration modes in case of varied folding angles by NASTRAN. 在本文中,首先用MSC/PATRAN建立了折叠翼的有限元模型,然后用NASTRAN求解出折叠翼在各折叠角下的主要振动模态。
- The Natural Vibration Frequency were obtained by galerkin method and multiple-dimensioned method. 通过伽辽金方法和多尺度法求解,得到了悬索的各阶频率计算式。
- For a given aperture size and vibration acceleration, the relations between material flow, flow time and vibration frequency were studied by experiments. 通过试验确定了在网孔孔径和振动加速度一定的情况下,物料流量与流动时间以及振动频率的关系。
- A fault diagnosis mothed for hydro-generator units has been put forward according to their vibration frequency spectrum characteristics. 摘要针对水轮发电机组振动的频谱特点,提出了基于小波包分析的水轮发电机组振动的故障诊断方法。
- The interlaminar transverse shear stresses are the main factor, which leads to the delamination of laminated plate in the lower free vibration frequencies. 在低阶模态振动下,横向剪应力是造成层合板脱层的主要原因;
- At the same time, the dependency of the vibration frequency on the Coulomb bound potential and magnetic field is discussed. 同时也讨论了振动频率与库仑束缚势、磁场之间的变化关系。
- Based on studying AMB suspension characteristics, by the rulesof Riccati transfer matrix, the variety of dynamic property, eigenfrequency and main vibration model of rotor are calculated. 在研究磁悬浮主轴支承特性的基础上,利用传递矩阵法,求得其固有频率,分析了支承对固有频率的影响,开发了转子结构动态特性分析软件模块。
- A VI-based vibration frequency measurement using CVI software was designed and it is used to measure the frequency and damping of actuator-OPU. 使用LabWindows/CVI软件设计了一个基于虚拟仪器的振动频率测量方法,并将其运用于促动器的固有频率测量中。
- Learning high and low sounds are determined by vibration frequencies. 认识物体振动的频率决定了声音的高低。
- The main vibrating spring is made of shear rubber spring, resuling in low noise and long life. 采用剪切橡胶弹簧作主振弹簧,噪音低,寿命长。