- All productions are shipped to mainland market. 各种产品系列上万多款,销往海内外市场。
- Looking for resources to help you explore the Mainland market? 你需要更多的资讯协助打开内地市场?
- The huge potential of the Chinese mainland market is the focus of the world. 内地市场的巨大潜力已成为全球的焦点。
- We have secured access to the Mainland market for our film industry under CEPA. 我们透过CEPA为香港电影业打开了内地市场。
- We have secured acce to the Mainland market for our film industry under CEPA. 我们透过CEPA为香港电影业打开了内地市场。
- It is widely recognised as one of the freest economies in the world,and the gateway to the Mainland market. 香港更获公认为全球最自由的经济体系之一,也是进入中国内地经商及投资的大门。
- The implementation of CEPA will help our enterprises make further inroads into the Mainland market. CEPA的实施,将有助香港企业进一步拓展内地市场。
- One of the key deliverables of the research project is the development of a Mainland Market Readiness Index MMR Index. 这项研究其中一个目的是要编订一项内地市场准备指数。
- She urged the government to take action to correct the phenomenon to prevent over reliance on the mainland market. 她力劝政府采取行动纠正此现象以预防对大陆市场的过分依赖。
- It is widely recognised as one of the freest economies in the world, and the gateway to the Mainland market. 香港更获公认为全球最自由的经济体系之一,也是进入中国内地经商及投资的大门。
- Having Chinese mainland market, the Group is Choi Chi important to achieve greater development opportunities. 抢摊中国大陆市场,是财智集团实现更大发展的重要机遇。
- To better develop the mainland market, now Chengzhao dealers across the country. 为更好的开拓大陆市场,现诚招全国各地经销商.
- All of a sudden, crazy Biao onrush Shenzhen property in the mainland market had fueled goal. 一时间,深圳物业狂飚突进,在内地市场竟成燎原之势。
- The mainland market for IPOs picked up yesterday after Jinduicheng Molybdenum Group announced plans to raise up to $1.3bn on the Shanghai market. 内地的ipo市场昨日也有所好转,金钼股份(Jinduicheng Molybdenum)宣布计划在上海上市,募集至多13亿美元资金。
- Much of this recovery was attributable to the continued growth of the Mainland market and the launch of the Individual Visit Scheme. 这主要得利于内地市场持续增长,以及个人游计划实施。
- By strengthening its Chinese business, YGM has pitted itself against dozens of luxury brands that are vying to grab a slice of the mainland market. YGM贸易通过加强中国业务,已开始与数十个高档品牌展开竞争。这些品牌都竞相在大陆市场分一杯羹。
- At present, we have been an effective enterprise run by local people in this trade in Chinese mainland market for over 20-year development. 公司经过20多年的发展,目前在该行业已成为中国大陆市场中极具影响的民营企业。
- The zero-tariff treatment gives Hong Kong products the edge over overseas products in penetration of the Mainland market. 零关税优惠使香港产品进入内地市场时,较海外产品更具竞争力。
- Among other provisions, CEPA further opens up the mainland market for Hong Kong products and the distribution business to Hong Kong companies. 根据CEPA规定,内地市场进一步向香港产品开放,港商亦可扩大在内地的分销业务。
- That batters conventional wisdom about the mainland market and might suggest where a bottom for some of its shares could be found. 这不但打破了人们对大陆股市的传统看法,或许还能启示人们到哪里寻找能够抄底的股票。