- An interval composed of three whole tones. 三全音三个全度音的音程
- A mark indicating the boundary of such an interval. 刻度线,分度线指示这种间隔的界限的标记
- There was an interval of five years between the two civil wars. 那两次内战之间间隔了五年。
- A set having the same number of points as all the real numbers in an interval. 闭联集与一个区间内所有实数数目相同的点的集合
- We must maintain an open mind on such questions. 在这种问题上心胸要开阔一些。
- An interval of silence shows respect for the dead. 片刻默哀向死者致敬。
- He returned to work after an interval in hospital. 他住院一段时间以後又回来上班了。
- A reboot or shutdown to maintain an application. 重启动或关机以维护一个应用程序。
- Does the dormitory maintain an injury log? 宿舍是否保留受伤记录?
- After an interval, Astill took the lead. 过了一会儿,阿斯蒂尔带了个头儿。
- Maintain an effective filing system for GM Office. 整理GM室的相关文件,以确保其有效性。
- "Well, agreed!" said the man, after an interval. “好,一亮为宝”!那人沉默了半晌说。
- Maintain an attitude of healthy skepticism. 要保持良性的怀疑主义。
- A division or an interval on a graduated scale. 分度,刻度刻度标尺上的一个间隔
- A dormant volcano may erupt after an interval. 睡眠状态的火山经过一段时间后还会喷发。
- A space between two things; an interval. 空隙两个物体之间的空间;间隙
- The tone at the upper limit of such an interval. 这个音程内的最高一个音调。
- There is an interval of two hours at least. 中间只少要间隔二小时。
- An interval in a frequency distribution. 组,类频数分布的一个周期
- An interval of silence shows respect for the dead . 片刻默哀向死者致敬。