- New fees would Dazhong repair costs into the public maintenance fund. 新的收费办法将大中修费纳入公共维修基金。
- Who should pay for Lixie transfer procedures, to the city or district (county) Xiaoquban pay maintenance fund. 交纳人应在办理立契过户手续前,到市或区(县)小区办交纳维修基金。
- Commodity residential maintenance fund in escrow period interest at a rate based on demand deposits. 商品住宅维修基金在代管期间内按活期存款利率计息。
- However, there were individual enterprise development or misappropriated by the maintenance fund. 但是,也出现了个别开发企业占用或者挪用维修基金的情况。
- In foreign countries, Pavement Management System (PMS) is proved to be an efficient tool to allocate maintenance funds and maintain the service level of road network. 在国外,路面管理系统已经被证明是一个统筹养护资金分配,维持路网服务水平的有效工具。
- Property management enterprises escrow maintenance fund, the Committee should be subject to periodic inspection and supervision owners. 物业管理企业代管的维修基金,应当定期接受业主委员会的检查与监督。
- Otherwise occurred embarrass wave I agree no one saw.Therefore, banks can only increase in future maintenance funds ZF chain is unlikely to prop up the service. 这样一来,国有银行整体来说根本不用为存款来源发愁,因为社会资金无法流到国有银行体系之外。
- Currently, the income-generating area of 14 million, not only normal maintenance unspent "Treasury" in the capital and interest, there is an increase in maintenance funds. 目前,小区各项创收达14万元,正常维修不仅未动用“金库”里的资金和利息,维修资金还有增加。
- The proceeds obtained by that owner shall be mainly used to supplement the special maintenance fund, or be used according to the decision of the owners'congress. 业主所得收益应当主要用于补充专项维修资金,也可以按照业主大会的决定使用。
- Application to the application of the management system of the asphalt pavement (CPMS), this article provides a method of evaluating the road condition for the maintenance departments ,and to evaluate the actual decision-making needs of maintenance funds. 通过对国、省干线公路沥青路面管理系统 (CPMS)的应用 ,为公路养护部门准确地评价公路状况 ,估算养护资金实际需求提供了科学的决策手段
- "Last year by the end of December, five Hill Garden owners bid on a piece of paper on court pleadings to developers, grounds that the developer was required to pay property maintenance fund. 去年12月底,五山花园业主周小姐一纸诉状把开发商告上法院,理由是开发商没有按规定缴纳物业维修基金。
- July 1, the Guangdong Consumer Council published an analysis of real estate complaints that the property maintenance fund misappropriated property buyers has become a hot one complaint. 7月1日,广东省消委会公布的房地产投诉分析表明,物业维修基金被挪用已成为购房者投诉的热点之一。
- Intermediation cost 336,000 yuan, also called Miss Cheung paid including cable, gas deposits, the old air-conditioning maintenance fund and the total cost of a room of about 3,000 yuan. 中介报价33.;6万元,还要求张女士支付包括有线电视、煤气押金、维修基金以及房内一部旧空调的费用共计约3000元。
- Mr through Shanghai at the end of last year-Super Real Estate Advisory Limited Goldwin Road branch of the Housing transactions a second-hand, transaction prices, plus a maintenance fund, 1900 yuan. 陈先生去年年底通过上海诚凯房地产咨询有限公司云台路分部交易了一套二手房,交易时除房价外另付了维修基金1900元左右。
- The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds. 那会计盗用了协会的基金。
- The machinery requires constant maintenance. 这些机器需要经常保养维修。
- Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。
- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我对电脑的维修保养很在行。
- Now we can do that as we have funds. 现在我们手头有现款就可以办这事了。
- He was appealing for funds to build a new school. 他在恳求拨款修建一所新学校。