- major repair depreciation rate 大修折旧费
- major repair depreciation expenses 大修折旧费
- major repair depreciation expense 大修折旧费
- major repair depreciation fund 大修折旧基金
- The ship was in dock for major repairs. 船停在船坞里大修。
- Breakeven (dollar) depreciation: Depreciation rate of the dollar such that the Bank's headroom is at Breakeven point. (美元)保本贬值;(美元)净空临界贬值:指美元的某一贬值率,在这一贬值率上世界银行的净空正好处在临界点上。
- Under the declining-balance method, an accelerated depreciation rate is computed as a specified percentage of the straight-line depreciation rate. 使用双倍余额递减法时,加速折旧率计算为直线折旧率的一定比例。
- Annual depreciation expense then is computed by applying this accelerated depreciation rate to the undepreciated cost (current book value) of the asset. 年折旧费就用这个加速折旧率乘以待折旧成本(即当时的账面净值)得出。
- When straight-line depreciation is in use, the depreciation rate is simply "1" divided by the "life" (in years) of the assets. 当使用直线折旧法时,折旧率可以简单地用1除以资产年限得到。
- Expenditures incurred on major repair and improvement of the rented fixed assets shall be averagely amortized during the period of leasing. 租入固定资产改良支出应当在租赁期内平均摊销。
- Too short knowledge renewing cycle and too high technique depreciation rate impact the academicism teaching scheme strongly which used to be very steady. 超短的知识更新周期 ,技术的高折旧率强烈冲击着“四平八稳”的学院式教学计划。
- After repair of the temple history, especially in the last major repair, the more magnificent majestic momentum. 古寺经过历代修缮,尤其是最近重大修后,更加气势雄伟富丽堂皇。
- The Corridor has been used heavily for many years. Major repair and reconstruction works would be required in the next decade. 走廊交通繁忙,并已使用多年,因此在未来十年内将需要进行大规模的维修和重建工程。
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceilings and/or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:总的外观反映出无次序的及很差的卫生状况。地面、墙、天花板和/或设备需要大修。
- Organize and arrange the manpower on China non-otis service. Support the field troubleshooting and major repair at once. 组织协调全国非奥的斯产品的维修人力,及时处理现场的疑难故障和大修作业。
- Vietnamese dong against the dollar this year, fell 5.5 percent, but still lower than the Indian rupee depreciation rate of 18%, 14% of the Indonesian rupiah and Philippine peso's 13%. 越南盾兑美元今年以来下挫5.;5%25,但贬幅仍低于印度卢比的18%25,印尼盾的14%25及菲律宾披索的13%25。
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceiling, and/or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:外观整体上反映出杂乱和较差的整洁维护。地面,墙壁,天花和/或设备需要作较大的维修。
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceiling, and/ or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:总的外观反映出不够整齐并且缺乏好的清洁卫生措施。地板,墙壁,天花板,和设备需要大的整修。
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceilings and/ or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:总的外观反映出无次序的及很差的卫生状况。地面、、花板和/设备需要大修。
- Birth rates must equal death rates, and production rates of commodities must equal depreciation rates. 例如,出生率会等于死亡率,而商品生产率也会等于折旧率。