- Make a big deal out of something. 是指对某事大惊小怪。
- Kandy makes a big deal out of everything. 埃迪对任何事都小题大做。
- Look let's not make a big deal out of this! It was a one time thing. It doesn't even matter! 好吧,我们大家不要对此事大惊小怪了!这只发生了一次,而且一点儿也没什么!
- Make a big deal out of everything other people do that annoys you but rarely whine about yourself. 如果有人得罪你,就给他点颜色看看,但永远不要生闷气对自己发牢骚。
- "Most adults,when they fall down(figuratively speaking),make a big deal out of it and don't even make a second attempt. 其实,问题的答案就在于孩子并没有把“摔倒”与“失败”联系起来,所以他们感受不到失败的滋味,也不会因此而泄气。
- I have very poor penmanship and out of sour grapes, I hate people, with a passion, who make a big deal out of penmanship. 终于升上五年级,老师教大家使用墨水笔,真的是吸墨那种墨水笔,并规定墨水是普蓝色的。
- "Da jing xiao guai" is an idiom, which refers to making a big deal out of something that is not really a big deal. “大惊小怪”是一个成语,就是说形容遇到不值得惊奇的事情而过分地惊讶慌张。
- Over compensating. Making a big deal out of things. Con?dence , bragging, poo-pooing insecurities when they shouldn't have even been brought up. 做出过多的付出.;,把所有事情都看得很认真(爱计较),或者当自大,吹牛等被揭穿是表现的很不安
- Kristen tries to be a strong independent female and always makes a big deal out of going out with her girlfriends on V-Day. 她一直都在努力成为一个独立女性,而且总是和她的朋友们在情人节那天玩到尽兴。
- She tends to make a big production out of nothing. 她总是能白手起家。
- Let's not make a big deal about it. 我们不要小题大做了。
- The key is not to make a big deal about it. 关键是不要把它太当回事儿。
- There's no sense in making a big stink out of it. 对此大吵大闹没有意义。
- We made a table out of a big piece of board. 我们用一块大木板制成了一张桌子。
- He made a big deal about noting at all. 他无事大惊小怪的。
- I don't hide it,but I don't make a big deal about it. 我并没有掩藏,但我也没有大肆渲染。
- I bet they are making a pile out of the deal. 我肯定他们这笔生意一定赚大钱。
- Handle affairs: people who are always in a hurry will never make a big deal. 办事定律:总是匆匆忙忙的人其实没办什么大事;办大事的人从来不会匆匆忙忙。
- She did well out of(= made a big profit from)the deal. 她从这笔交易中赚了不少钱。
- I'm sharing something with you. It is not making a big deal. 我在跟你分享这不是郑重其事。