- Koma works hard trying to make a movie of her doll. 可玛很努力,想帮她的娃娃拍一部电影。
- Disney and Paramount will team up to make a movie based on the best-selling book "Alive", about a rugby team's battle to survive a plane crash in the Andes Mountains. 迪斯尼与派拉蒙将合作拍摄以畅销书《死里逃生》为蓝本的电影,描写一支足球队所乘飞机在安底斯山中坠毁为求生而奋斗。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer . 他在1899年制作了一部电影叫魔术师。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer. 他在1899年制作了一部电影叫魔术师。
- So how do you usually look for new ideas each time when you make a movie? 那你又如何去每次拍新戏时,都启发新的创作思维?
- They plan to make a show with a movie star penciled in as the attraction. 他们计划公演一次,暂定一位电影明星做主要的卖座人物。
- Carol: Jee, maybe they can make a movie about you. Drool, and deliver. 卡罗尔:你可以拍一部电影,名称是睡眠授课。
- Ben: Hey, stop all the hammering! We're trying to make a movie here. 本:嘿,你们别敲了,我们在拍电影呢。
- I'm going to turn on my computer and make a movie starring my pet iguana? 而是打开计算机制作一部关于我的宠物蜥蜴的电影?
- The book was so popular that they made a movie out of it. 这本书很畅销,人们甚至把它改编成了一部电影。
- I'm making a movie right now -that's absurd',"she recalls,laughing. 我正在拍电影,这太荒谬了’,”她笑着回忆道。
- Disney and Paramount will team up to make a movie based on the best-selling book Alive. 迪斯尼与派拉蒙将合作拍摄以畅销书《死里逃生》为蓝本的电影。
- What's the difference between making a movie and making TV series? 制作电影和电视连续剧有什么不同?
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- What do you think the most important part in making a movie is? 你觉得拍电影最重要的部分是什么?
- Making a movie is like moving a piano. You're gonna get banged up. 拍电影就像搬钢琴,磕磕碰碰是免不了的。
- There's a sense of invulnerability when you're making a movie. 答:当你拍电影的时候,你会觉得自己是刀枪不入的。
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- Be very supicious if somebody says they want to make a movie of your life story. 如果有人跟你说,要把你的一生拍成电影,你一定要怀疑,这是真的吗?
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。