- The mayor really made a slip of the tongue! 市长可真是说溜了嘴了!
- I made a slip of the tongue and gave the show away. 我一句话说漏了嘴,把事情捅出去了。
- He didn't mean to hurt you, he only made a slip of the tongue. 他只是说走嘴了,根本没有想伤害你的意思。
- No one would have known our plans if Jim hadn't made a slip of the tongue. 假如不是吉姆说漏了嘴,谁都不会知道我们的计划。
- No one would have known our plans if Kay hadn't made a slip of the tongue. 如果不是凯失言,没人会知道我们的计划的。
- No one would have known our plan if Kay hadn' t made a slip of the tongue. 假如不是凯说漏了嘴,谁都不会知道我们的计划。
- Numskull answered in tears, "Judge for yourself, Miss Lin.Sister slapped me just because I made a slip of the tongue. 傻大姐哭诉道:“林姑娘,你评评理,我不过说了句话,她们就打我。”
- Let's not make a sacred cow of the monarchy. 咱们别把君主政体奉若神明。
- Make a list of the various options. 列出可供选择的项目。
- The plumber made a careful check of the pipes. 管子工对管道做了仔细的检查。
- He asked his secretary to make a copy of the document. 他叫秘书把文件复制一份。
- We should make a better use of the existing equipment. 我们应该更好地利用现有设备。
- Be honest, you'll make a fortune out of the investment. 说实话,你会从此投资中发一笔财的。
- I make a slip and say more than I shall. 说溜了嘴而话多。
- They decided to make a full exploration of the accident. 他们决定对事故做一次全盘研究。
- They have made a good job of the printing. 他们干印刷工作很出色。
- He would make a feast of the portly grunter. 他要饱餐一顿肥猪肉。
- It's merely a slip of tongue,so don't try to make a Federal case out of it. 那只不过是失言,用不着小题大做。
- I bet they are making a pile out of the deal. 我肯定他们这笔生意一定赚大钱。
- It's merely a slip of tongue, so don't try to make a Federal case out of it. 那只不过是失言,用不着小题大做。