- Banks make advance to business firms. 银行贷款给商行。
- Men are always looking for a chance to make advance. 男人总是在伺机亲近女人。
- It is the business of banks to make advance to business firms. 给商号贷款是银行的业务。
- Which was the first to make advances? 孰先进行
- Men who do not make advances to women are apt to become victims who make advances to them. 不追求女人的男人,就容易在成为接近他们的女人的牺牲品。
- Men who do not make advance to women are apt to become victim of women who make advance to them. 不追求女人的男人,就容易成为接近他们的女人的牺牲品。
- We welcome pastors or ministers to make advance booking for the enjoyment of a peaceful and wholesome space. 欢迎牧师或传道人申请预订,进入宁静而丰富的空间。
- Please make advance booking and bring your Membership Card prior to the use of the reciprocal club facilities. 使用以上联会设施前请先作预订并出示有效会员证。
- Men who do not make advance to women are apt to become victim t0 women who make advance to them. 不追求女人的男人,就容易成为接近他们的女人的牺牲品。
- Personal Interview with H.E. Ayang Rinpoche is available, please make advance arrangements. 想与安阳仁波切私人面谈请早预约;以免向偶.
- This awful man made advances to me on the train. 这个讨厌的家伙在火车上向我挑逗。
- Exhibitors who require to work overtime should make advance requisition throght the Organizers before 16:00 on the date intended. 需要超时施工的参展商,需要于当天16:00之前通过主办单位提出申请。
- He had made advances to one of his students. 他曾追求过他的一个学生。
- Article 8 The SAQSIQ may, according to the needs, send perso el to the exporting countries or regio to make advance i ection of entry aquatic products. 第八条 国家质检总局可以根据需要,派员到输出国家或者地区进行进境水产品预检。
- With the strong professional capability and creation sprit, we, Shanghai First Surveying, Ltd., is to make advance with the time and develop at top speed. 强大的综合实力,开拓创新的精神,上海第一测量师事务所有限公司正与时俱进,高速发展。
- The boss is making advances to an American company to try to increase our business abroad. 老板正在和一家美国公司拉关系,意在扩大我们在海外的生意。
- The industry also is making advances in the area of memory. 工业界在存储器领域也取得了进展。
- The People's Bank made advances to commune-run factories. 人民银行贷款给社办工厂。
- Men who do not make advance to women are apt to become victimes to women who make advances to them. 不追求的男人,就容易成为接近他们的女人的牺牲品。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治