- If we reach a consensus, we can make concerted efforts. 思想认识统一了,大家就一致行动。
- If we reach a consensus,we can make concerted efforts. 思想认识统一了,大家就一致行动。
- As long as we make concerted efforts, nothing can beat us. 只要大家抱团儿,什么都难不倒我们。
- Pool our ideas and make concerted efforts Connive development. 群策群力,共谋发展。
- There is no doubt that we will make concerted effort to cooperate with you. 于: 我们肯定会与贵方通力合作的。
- We should make concerted efforts in planning the great undertaking together. 我们应当齐心协力共谋大业。
- "Officials at various levels and ordinary people should join hands to make concerted efforts," he said. 他说,各级的政府官员和普通的人民应该携起手来,共同努力。
- "Officials at various levels and the people should join hands to make concerted efforts," he said. 温家宝总理还说,“我来这里就是为了了解‘草根’阶层的真实情况。
- Which of the following phrases means to make concerted efforts, or to work together? 问题:请问下面的哪个词语是形容认识一致、共同努力呢?
- I ve seen programmers make concerted efforts to fully cover their code with unit tests, and many of them end up disheartened at how much time it takes. 我曾看到程序员们心协力地对他们的全部代码进行单元测试,结果花在上面的时间使大多数人都以沮丧而告终。
- We must make concerted effort to maintain a good relationship with the Central Authorities. These are enormous responsibilities. 我们也会共同努力,保持中央与特区良好的关系。
- The whole nation made concerted efforts, shared bitter hatred against the enemy, and jointly resisted foreign aggression. 整个民族团结奋斗,同仇敌忾,共御外侮。
- After an apprenticeship accusations blaming each other after the reunification of the "will" and reach a consensus, the Lions will make concerted efforts to eat after filling out Xiangbao Biqi. 师徒经过一番互相埋怨指责后统一了“意志”,达成共识,齐心协力地将狮子灌饱后逼其吐出香包。
- In 65 nm chip design,the design for manufacturing(DFM),analysis methods and making concerted effort should be regaraed. 65nm芯片的设计需要采用可制造性设计(DFM)、多种分析方法和团队通力合作的精神;
- We will establish the top brand transmission platform of wine in China by making concerted efforts with our cooperators. 与我们的合作商家一起共同打造全中国第一葡萄酒产品品牌传播平台!
- And face cooperation , our ought to adopt a baby with a sincere attitude, the cooperator makes concerted efforts accomplishing a job. 面对合作,我们应该抱以诚恳的态度,与合作者齐心协力完成工作。
- For 15 years Huixin people have made concerted efforts and now our company has become a comprehensive enterprose with the production capacity of garments,shoes,EPE, bags,etc. 15年来,惠新人齐心协力,公司已从单一的制服生产,发展到如今的服装、鞋业、EPE(珍珠棉)包装、包袋生产等多元化的经营。
- As part of their reaccreditations, the University of Louisville and Eastern Kentucky University are both making concerted efforts to bring critical thinking across the curriculum. 部分由于上述组织的再认证,路易斯韦尔大学和东肯塔基大学都已约定努力将理性思考带入课程之中。
- Enterprise culture: Taking people as the center,The attitude of honesty and down-to-earth making concerted efforts and requiting customers with high quality products. 企业文化:以人为本,诚信务实,上下同心协力,以高品质产品回报客户。
- concerted struggle; make concerted efforts 团结奋斗