- You are starting to make headway with your French! 你的法语开始有进步了!
- Cayley was the first to make headway with this problem. Cayley是第一个在这个问题上取得进展的人。
- Scientists in the booming field have made headway with heart valves, bladders, liver and skin cells. 在这块蓬勃发展的领域里,科学家在心脏瓣膜、膀胱、肝及皮肤细胞方面已有进展,
- We can't make any headway with your offer. 你们的报盘没有任何进展。
- We cannot make any headway with your offer. 你们的报盘未得任何进展。
- We are making little headway with the negotiations. 我们在谈判中没有取得什么进展。
- We regret to note that you can not make any headway with our offer. 得悉你们对我方报盘未能取得任何进展,甚为遗憾。
- The hot light shines.Is I can't make headway. 当红灯亮起。是我无法向前进。
- The ships have to make headway against the heavy seas. 这些船将必须与浪涛汹涌的大海搏击。
- How can you expect to make headway if you don't work hard? 你不下苦功,怎么能有进步呢?
- The work is steadily making headway. 这项工作正在取得稳步进展。
- George was making headway against all his troubles. 乔治正在克服他的全部烦恼。
- The ship made headway against the heavy seas. 轮船战胜了波涛汹涌的大海。
- Economic restructuring made headway. 经济结构调整取得积极进展。
- We cannot make headway in the countryside unless we perform this task. 这个任务如果不解决,我们在农村中就不能前进。
- Indigenous politicians have begun to make headway in Congress and as mayors. 土著政治家已经开始向国会和市长职位进军。
- Indeed, scientists have made significant headway with traditional breeding. 的确,科学家在传统的培植方面已经有了重要的进展。
- make headway with 朝着 ... 前进; 在 ... 方面取得进展
- Postal and telecommunication services have made headway. 邮电通信业突飞猛进。
- But now the technology finally seemsto be making headway. 但如今技术似乎正在这方面不断取得进展。