- Some still can ask to make loan earnest money. 有的还会要求交贷款保证金。
- The organization was allowed to make loans to private businesses. 这家机构被允许向私人机构提供贷款。
- The other is to make loans to the customers who wish to borrow. 二是向那些想借款的客户发放贷款。
- I guess your work had to do with making loans. 我猜你是做贷款工作的吧。
- VEB also made loans to other other oligarchs. 该行还向其他寡头提供了贷款。
- Some foreign governments and international banking establishments also make loan to us. 一些外国政府和国际金融机构也向我们贷款。
- The IDa was established in 1960 to make loans to low-income LDCs at a concessionary interest rate. 国际开发协会成立于1960年,它向低收入的欠发达国家,以优惠的利率提供贷款。
- More important is the fact that it can float ponds and use the proceeds to make loans. 更为重要的是它可以发行债券。
- Banks may still be reluctant to make loans, but debt and equity markets have regained a hearty appetite for risk. 银行也许仍然不愿贷款,但债务市场与股本市场已经重拾了对于风险的强烈兴趣。
- For instance , the Veteran's Administration will make loans to war veterans at low interest rates . 例如,退伍军人治理局会给予曾经参战的退伍军人低息贷款。
- On Tuesday, New Century Financial, the second-largest lender of sub-prime mortgages, ran out of money and said it could no longer afford to make loans. 周二,第二大次级抵押贷款公司新世纪财务没有了流动资金并称其不能再提供借贷。
- The creditors make loans to corporations in the form of trade accounts, notes, or bonds, on which they receive interest. 债权人以贸易赊欠、期票、债券等形式向公司提供信贷,并据以收取利息。
- A mortgagee approved by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) to make loans under the National Housing Act. 被加拿大贷款和住房集团(CMHC)根据国家住房条例批准的贷款人.
- A group of investors would set aside a reserve of specie from their own assets as starting capital, and then take deposits and make loans. 一些投资者从自己的财产中拿出一部分金银作为启动资本,然后开始吸收存款并进行贷款。
- Directors of financial institutions have universally claimed in their speeches that despite abundant idle capital, there are few good or large projects to make loans to. 金融机构负责人在发言中普遍认为,银行的资金很宽松,但缺少好项目、大项目。
- For financial institutions entrusted to make loans, the entrusted financial institutions shall be the withholding agents for their Business Tax payable. 委托银行发放贷款的,其应纳营业税税款以受托发放贷款的银行为扣缴义务人。
- Pittman said the banks, such as the World Bank and the African Development Bank, continued to make loans, which left many of the poorest African countries with unsustainable debt burdens. 但是皮特曼说,象世界银行和非洲开发银行之类的银行还继续发放贷款,使得许多最贫困的非洲国家背上无法承担的沉重债务。
- A financial institution that accepts demand deposits and makes loans and provides other services for the public. 为公众提供储蓄、借贷和其他服务的金融机构。
- It makes loans to member nations where private capital is not available to finance productive investment. 它只向那些私人资本不能为生产投资提供资金的成员国贷款。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治