- Mind you! Don't let the pot boil dry. 小心,别让水壶烧干了。
- His lientenants make the rebellion pot boil in Ireland. 他的下级军官们使叛乱在爱尔兰继续发展。
- Philip doesn't earn much money--just enough to make the pot boil. 菲利普挣钱不多-勉强可以糊口。
- make pot boil 糊口; 谋生; 维持生活
- Mind you ! Don' t let the pot boil dry. 小心,别让水壶烧干了。
- The milk in the pot boiled up and spilled over. 锅里的牛奶煮沸溢了出来。
- The craftsman taught his son and heir how to make pots. 这个工匠向他的独子传授了制罐的手艺。
- Beauty won't make the pot boil. 貌美不能使水沸腾。
- I learnt to make pots to keep my food in . 我学会做陶罐存放我的食物。
- I put the pot over the gas cooker,then I wolk away and forget it.when I come back the pot boil dry and there was a hole on it. 我把壶放在煤气灶上,然后就走开把这件事忘掉了。等我回来时,水都烧干了,壶底烧出了一个窟窿。
- It's difficult work,but you must keep the pot boiling. 工作是困难的,可是你必须积极进行下去。
- It's difficult work, but you must keep the pot boiling. 工作是困难的,可是你必须积极进行下去。
- He can't keep the pot boiling by such slender laborage. 靠那样微薄的一份工资他难以维持生活.
- Smoke comes out of his nose, like a pot boiling on the fire. 从他鼻孔冒出烟来、如烧开的锅、和点著的芦苇。
- George made pots of money by straddling. 乔治一手买进一手卖出地赚了一大笔钱。
- Pig pork cut 0.7 centimeters square Ding, cooked fish out into the boiling water pot boil. 猪五花肉切成0.7厘米见方的丁,入开水锅中汆熟捞出。
- Long before men learnt to use metals they knew how to grow food ,rear animals ,build houses ,make pots and shape stone . 在人们学会使用金属很早以前,他们就知道如何种植庄稼、饲养动物、建造房屋、制作炊具和使石头成形。
- Geysers send water shooting into the air.Mud pots boil and bubble.Hot springs display brilliant colors of blue, yellow and orange. 间歇泉向高空喷射水柱,泥沸泉沸腾冒泡,色彩斑斓的温泉展现着无比艳丽的蓝色、黄色和橘色。
- Long before men learnt to use metals they knew how to grow food , rear animals , build houses , make pots and shape stone . 在人们学会使用金属很早以前,他们就知道如何种植庄稼、饲养动物、建造房屋、制作炊具和使石头成形。
- The man who was out of work said that he must do something to keep the pot boiling. 那失业者说他必须干点什么以养家糊口。