- Method: 6 cases of male genital organ deep burn wounds were treated with MEBO. 方法:采用湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)治疗男性外生殖器深度烧伤6例。
- Objective: To investigate an efficacious method for treating male genital organ deep burn wounds. 目的:探讨阴茎、阴囊深度烧伤的理想治疗方法。
- Contusion of male genital organs 男性生殖器官挫伤
- Leukoplakia of male genital organs 男性生殖器白斑病
- Radiography of male genital organs 男性生殖器官X线摄影[术]
- five types of sterility due to congenital malformations of male genital organs 五不男
- Is male genital smallish how to do? ? 男性生殖器短小怎么办??
- male genital organ 雄生殖器
- Has20 years experience in urology and male genital system. 对淋病、毒、锐湿疣、殖器疱疹、原体衣原体感染的诊治,亦得心应手,尤其是双向免疫接种治疗尖锐湿疣疗效显著。
- Is male genital how to return a responsibility askew? 男性生殖器歪斜是怎么回事啊?
- Pruritus of male genital organs 男性生殖器瘙痒
- Massive genital organ prolapse is usually corrected with surgical treatment while mild genital organ is first treated with conservative treatment. 轻微的生殖器脱垂可予以保守性治疗,重度脱垂则须施行外科治疗。
- Male genital organs 男性生殖器官
- Ulcers of male genital organs 男性生殖器溃疡
- The results show that the reproductive system is composed of genital organ,copulatory pouch and ovarian groove. 结果表明 ,泥螺生殖系统由生殖器本部 ,交媾器和卵精沟三部分组成。
- Disease of male genital organs 男性生殖器疾病
- Itching of male genital organs 男性生殖器痒
- Cryptorchidism is a clinically common congenital deformity of the genital organ,the etiological factors of which are still not clarified up to now. 隐睾症是临床较常见的先天性生殖器畸形,其病因迄今仍未能阐明。
- The woman becomes metamorphic operation, how is private parts solved? Can you make male genital? 女人做变性手术,下体是怎么解决的?可以做出男性生殖器?
- The NADPH-d positive reaction was located in female and male genital pores, genital chambers, spermatheca, and penis. 雌、雄生殖孔,生殖腔,受精囊,阴茎等部位呈NADPH-d强阳性反应。