- The male heir might bring an appeal. 男性继承人可以提出上诉。
- The male heir might bring an appeal . 男性继承人可以提出上诉。
- Duke: I asked but two things when we wed, loyalty and a male heir. 公爵:当我们结婚时,我只要求两件事:忠诚和男后代。
- The Arisugawa branch of the royal household died out for lack of a male heir more than 90 years ago, Kyodo said. 日本共同社指出,90多年前,日本皇室中的栖川家族因为没有男性子嗣而衰亡。
- King William III of the Netherlands dies without a male heir and a special law is passed to allow his daughter Princess Wilhelmina to become Queen. 1890年,荷兰的威廉三世国王死后无男性继承人,一项特殊的法案被批准以允许他的女儿威廉敏娜公主成为女王。
- But families, especially rural ones, cling to traditional preferences for a male heir, and infanticide of baby girls became a problem. 尽管中国禁止非医学原因而进行的胎儿性别测试。这种测试却仍很普遍,主要在乡村秘密的私人诊所里进行。
- Akie Abe voiced sympathy for Crown Princess Masako, who has a 4-year-old daughter, Princess Aiko, but has been under intense pressure to bear a male heir to the throne. 安倍昭惠也对日本太子妃雅子表示了同情。雅子育有4岁的女儿爱子,但因未为日本皇室生育男性继承人而饱受压力。
- Though she gave birth to a girl, now four, the pressure from the IHA to produce a male heir contributed to a nervous breakdown, from which she has not fully recovered. 尽管她生育了一个已经四岁的女儿,来自宫内厅的要求生育一名男性继承人的压力让她烦恼不安、几近崩溃,至今尚未完全康复。
- Hisahito is the first male heir born in 41 years to the imperial family and is third in line to succeed Emperor Akihito, 75, on Japan's Chrysanthemum Throne. 悠仁是日本皇室41年来首位男丁,也是日本菊花王朝的第三顺位继承人,有可能继任现年75岁的明仁天皇。
- Queen of England (533-53') as the second wife of Henry VIII. The mother of Elizabeth I, she produced no male heir and was subsequently tried for adultery and beheaded. 博林,安妮:(507-53')英格兰皇后(533-53'年),亨利八世的第二任妻子,伊丽莎白一世的母亲。她没有生养男性继承人,后来因通奸被审判并被砍头
- May you have no male heir! 断子绝孙
- a male heir apparent to a throne. 确定继承王座的男子。
- the male heir apparent of the British sovereign. 继承英国王位的男子。
- Crown Prince: the male heir apparent to a throne 王储,对王位具有当然继承权的男性继承人
- Faced with no male heirs, Japan's boy-only emperor club may have to crack its doors and let women in. 日本皇室仅皇帝为男性,将面临着没有男性继承人的困局,因此皇帝可能不得不考虑,打破常规,让女性继承皇位。
- The princess almost made it into the queue for the Japanese throne because of a shortage of male heirs. 由于日本皇室缺乏男性继承人,爱子公主差点成为继位人选。
- A traditional preference for male heirs, which has prompted some families to abort female foetuses. 中国大陆也有这种事情发生,不过原因在于一胎化政策,见下句。
- He is heir to his father's fine brain. 他承袭了他父亲的聪明头脑。
- He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。
- Critics say the policy has led to forced abortions, sterilizations and an imbalanced gender ratio due to a traditional preference for male heirs. 持反对意见的人认为,受传统的重男轻女思想影响,现行政策导致很多人选择人工流产,性别比例失调。