- The costs of malpractice insurance, lawsuits, and health care costs were considered more important. 医疗事故保险、诉讼以及卫生保健的费用被认为是最重要的问题。
- Doctors across the country are quitting their jobs because they can't afford malpractice insurance. 全国的医生在放弃他们的工作,因为他们负担不起职业过失保险。
- Enter the spectre of malpractice insurance,which adds approximately $500 to the cost of every hospital delivery. 可是产妇一旦参加了医疗事故保险,在医院生孩子就要多付大约500美元。
- Most important, make sure that your malpractice insurance covers these donated medical services. 最重要的是确保你的医疗事故保险涵盖了免费医疗服务。
- He also worried about malpractice suits and the high cost of malpractice insurance that doctors increasingly confront. 他还担心渎职起诉,以及医生在高渎职保险中要付出的高额成本。
- The analysis is robust to the fact that partnerships sometimes purchase malpractice insurance. 我们的分析有力揭示了这样一个现实:合伙企业有时会购买渎职的保险。
- Most important, make sure that your malpractice insurance coers these donated medical serices. 最重要的是确保你的医疗事故保险涵盖了免费医疗服务。
- Enter the spectre of malpractice insurance,which adds approximately $ 500 to the cost of every hospital delivery. 一旦参加了医疗事故保险,在医院生孩子就要多付大 约500美元。
- For both the public and doctors, economic issues such as the cost of care and malpractice insurance were predominant concerns. 无论是医师还是公众,经济问题如医疗费用和医疗事故保险是最引人关注的问题。
- Kindly send me written erification that my malpractice insurance policy, referenced aboe, will coer me in the eent of a lawsuit arising out of my actiities at the health fair. 参考上面所有的事情,寄给我一份鉴定,在医疗事故保险单中包括起因于在健康事件活动引起的控诉。
- Kindly send me written verification that my malpractice insurance policy, referenced above, will cover me in the event of a lawsuit arising out of my activities at the health fair. 参考上面所有的事情,寄给我一份鉴定,在医疗事故保险单中包括起因于在健康事件活动引起的控诉。
- The present malpractice insurance is in the bad conditions of hospitals not entering insurance enthusiastically and insurence companies operating carefully in our county . 目前我国的医疗责任保险处于医院不积极参与,保险公司谨慎操作的困境。
- If you think your policy might not cover your services, write your malpractice insurer a letter. 如果你认为你的政策不包括你的服务,就给医疗事故保险公司写信。
- Malpractice insurers have expressed concern about the increased risk they incur when they provide liability-insurance coverage to bariatric surgeons. 医疗疏失保险公司对于提供胃间隔手术医师保险责任几付时,受理此类保险的风险增加感到关心。
- Legislative Construction of Malpractice Insurance 医疗责任保险的法律构筑
- commercial malpractice insurance 商业医疗保险
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- A Comparsion of Medical Malpractice Insurance in China and America 中美医疗责任保险之比较研究
- The insurance cover is optional. 保险范围可以随意选择。
- He set up in business as an insurance broker. 他开始从事保险经纪人的职业。