- The value of moral education appears in the dialectical unification of man and society. 德育的价值体现为为社会服务和为人的发展服务的双重功效的辩证统一。
- By defining man and society, it is made clear that man and society are undividable. 这部分通过对人、社会内涵的界定,指出人是社会的人,社会是人的社会;
- On the first level, the irreconcilable conilict between man and society is discussed through The Hairy Ape and The Emperor Jones. 第一个层面以人与社会的冲突为主要矛盾,分析《毛猿》,《琼斯皇》这两部作品。
- "Quintessence, Etiquette & Muse"ponders the relationship between Man and Society, drawing out the beauty of discovery and awakening. “诗、礼、乐”思索的是人与??的关系,呈现?现??之美。的是人与??的关系,呈现?现??之美。人与??的关系,呈现?现??之美。
- The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself. 现代派文学的主题便是反映人与自然,人与社会,人与人,人与自我之间被扭曲的,渐渐疏远的,病态的关系。
- It is never wise to come between a man and his wife. 干预人家夫妇间的事是不智的。
- To realize an all-around harmonious co-existence between man and nature, man and society and man and man is a common concern of human in the 21st century. 实现人与自然、人与社会、人与人的全面和谐是21世纪人类关心的主题。
- It has huge social and cultural landscapes displaying many relationship pairs between man and society, reality and ideal, non-rationalisation and rationalisation. 因而它具有丰厚的社会文化内蕴,即蕴涵并展示着个人与社会、现实与理想、非理性与理性等诸多关系对子。
- A rich man and his daughter are soon parted. 有钱人和他的女儿,是很快就会分开来的。
- Talking in a low voice were a man and a woman. 低声讲话的是一男一女。
- Indeed, the discerning reader could not fail to sense, through Buck's vicissitudes and torments, the ambivalent bonds between man and society, and man's excruciating alienation from it as long as the law of EAT OR BE EATEN holds sway. 透过勃克的种种经历与磨难,善于洞察的读者不难发现人与社会的联系是多么充满矛盾,并会注意到:只要“吃或者被吃”的法则主宰一切,人就会对社会产生反感、背离而遭受极度的痛苦。
- Building harmonious society of socialism is going to realize the harmonious state between man and nature,man and society,man and himself,this harmonious state is the basis and prerequisite that people feeling and lifting the meaning of living. 构建社会主义和谐社会的目标就是要实现人与自然、人与社会、人与自身的和谐统一。 社会主义和谐社会包含三层含义:人与自然的和谐、人与社会的和谐以及人与自身的和谐,而这种和谐的状态是以人们感悟和提升生存意义为基础和前提条件的。
- A man may talk like a wise man and act like a fool. 说得天花乱坠,干得颠三倒四。
- Follow that man and keep him in sight all the time. 要跟著那个人,一直盯著他。
- Roosevelt's religious beliefs underlay all his attitudes toward men and society. 罗斯福的宗教信仰,是他对人和社会的所有态度的基础。
- Having perceived the relationship between man and universe, nature and society, and undergone the transcendence of cognition and spirit, Laoshe depicts the tragic consciousness special to his own times and social background. 老舍的悲剧意识,是以其所处的特殊时代与社会文化为背景,怀着对人类生存环境与未来发展的强烈忧患感、危机感,通过对于人与自然及社会的对立关系的深刻体察、认知与精神上的超越,广泛地表现于他的创作之中。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- The concept of Deficiency is the startingpoint of Existential Marxist ideology.Satre made use of it to grasp the existence of man and society as well as the historical developments. “匮乏”概念是存在主义马克思主义思想体系的出发点,萨特用这一概念来理解人的存在、社会的存在和历史的发展。