- manage with individual effort 独自经营
- Collective solutions to problems start with individual human beings and individual efforts. 整体的解决方法出自单一个体的个别努力。
- I can't manage with these poor tools. 用这些蹩脚的工具我可对付不了。
- We'll manage with what tools we have. 我们将用现有的这些工具来设法应付过去。
- The most important factor is individual effort. 最重要的因素,还是个人的努力。
- I shall manage with the tools I have. 我要用现有的工具设法对付。
- Check with individual schools for details. 请跟各个学校查询有关详情。
- How will she manage with her husband gone? 丈夫走了她如何维持?
- The ladder isn't quite so long as I thought, but I think I can manage with it. 梯子没有我原先想的那么长,不过我想我可以对付着使用。
- I shall manage with the old tools I have. 我将用现有的这些旧工具设法对付。
- Personal progress is the result of individual effort. 个人的进步完全是自身努力的结果。
- There must be both individual effort and mutual help. 既要各自努力,也要互相帮助。
- Well,I don't think I can manage with it. 唉,我对付不了它。
- Collective effort is the sum of individual efforts. 集体的努力也是各个人努力的综合表现。
- I think they couldn't manage with less. 我想预算再少他们就干不成了。
- We will manage with what tools we have. 我们将用现有的这些工具来设法应付过去。
- And individual effort will continue to differ even in communist society. 这种个人努力程度的差别,即使到共产主义社会也会存在。
- We can manage with this little food. 有这些食品,我们就可以维持。
- All basketballers must arm themselves with individual techniques. 所有篮球队员必须用个人技术武装自己。
- We can't manage with these poor tools. 我们无法用这些坏工具做工。