- Will my insurance company, Medicaid, or managed care plan cover these costs? 我的保险公司、医疗补助项目、已列出的护理计划中包括这些费用吗?
- Association between antihypertensive agent use and hospital admissions in a managed care population. 在接受健康保健管理的人群中抗高血压药物的使用和住院的关系。
- They discus managed care, informed consent and privacy -- a big concern in small communities where everyone wants to know everyone's business. 他们讨论的问题有:护理管理、一个明智的同意的表态和保护隐私--在一个人人都想知道每个人的事情的小社区中,这是一个人们极为关心的问题。
- This study may change how managed care companies decide which drug they're going to put on their formularies. 本研究可能会改变照护公司决定哪些药物要放到处方集之中。
- They discus managed care,informed consent and privacy -- a big concern in small communities where everyone wants to know everyone's business. 他们讨论的问题有:护理管理、一个明智的同意的表态和保护隐私--在一个人人都想知道每个人的事情的小社区中,这是一个人们极为关心的问题。
- Global managed care network offering healthcare solutions, providing referral sources for patients and cost containment strategies for payors. 全球性的医疗保健网络,提供有关治疗保健方案、病患护理和医疗支出费用控制的信息。
- So, along came managed care, as well as a jumble of other cost-tamping innovations, including high-deductible plans and health-savings accounts. 所以,又出台一系列管理办法和名目繁多的福利保险革新,包括高额扣除保健计划和健康储蓄帐户。
- Glenn Isaacson. Universal Newbom hearing screening in an InnerCity , Managed care environment[ J]. Laryngoscope, 2000,110: 881. 听力学及言语疾病杂志;2001;9(新生儿听力筛查专刊):16.
- The flawed study analyzed data from about 80,000 members of a managed care organization who had taken either Lipitor or simastatin. 这项错误研究所用资料数据来自于一个医疗管理组织的80000名会员,这些人服用过力普妥或是辛伐他汀。
- The development of drug formularies unique to each plan sponsor, mandated by the MMA, clearly also has implications for managed care decision makers. 药品处方集的研制都由MMA指定的唯一的每一个计划发起者制定,也清楚地同管理式医疗决策者有关联。
- Meigs JB. Epidemiology of the metabolic syndrome. Am J Manag Care,2002, 8 (11 Suppl): S283-S292; quizS293-S296. 脑卒中、冠心病发病危险因素进一步研究协作组;吴桂贤.;11省市队列人群代谢综合征的流行病学研究
- In the era of managed care, physical therapists should be familiarized with these concepts and applications in physical therapy. 本文最后提出临床路径在物理治疗应用之一例,也就是冠状动脉绕道手术后患者住院期间物理治疗临床路径的建构实例,以供读者参考。
- Chernew ME, Smith DG, Kirking DM. Decomposing pharmaceutical cost growth in different types of health plans. Am J Manag Care 2001;7:667-73. 程馨;谢启端.;全民健保药品政策与药品费用的经济分析
- The dissertation makes great use of comparison study method, for example, among of the types of managed care, and between the capitation and fee-for-service reimbursement system. 研究贡献及主要结论: 1、国内还没有学者对管理式医疗保险进行过系统的研究,尤其对管理式医疗如何控制医疗费用风险,以及管理式医疗如何激励约束医疗提供者等问题的研究几乎是空白的。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- Work romances can be OK if they are managed carefully but you must be very careful to avoid sexual harassment. 如果人们小心处理,在工作中发生浪漫的故事是可以的,不过你必须非常小心,以避免性骚扰。
- Neurologist Online - adult neurology: migraine headache, stroke, seizures, parkinsonism, back pain, managed care, consultation, brain, spinal cord, nerves. Aids for patients and doctors. 成人神经学:偏头痛,中风,帕金森病,背痛,护理,咨询等。为病人何医生提供帮助。
- The employers apparently fear the legislation could open the door to the same kinds of suits against them. Companies are already struggling to contain rising health costs and deal with workers who complain that managed care blocks their access to care. 雇主显然担心这样的立法会为对他们类似的起诉打开大门。公司已经在竭力支付日益增长的医疗费用,处理工人们的投诉,这些工人认为管理医疗计划阻碍了他们享受医疗服务。
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- Zerhouni acknowledges that the slow-growth budgets envisioned for the NIH's immediate future could harm biomedical research if not managed carefully. 塞乌尼坦承,如果没有小心经营,NIH眼前经费缓慢成长的事实将危害到院内的生物医学研究。