- Management audit A review and appraisal of any or all parts of management activity. 管理审计对管理活动的任何一部分或全部进行审查和评估。
- Audit; management audit [management] A review and appraisal of any or all parts of management activity. 审计;管理审计[管理]对管理活动的任何一部分或全部进行审计和评估。
- Until recently,customer relationship(CRM) has been defined narrowly as a customer database management activity. 直到最近客户关系管理被精细的定义为客户数据库管理行为。
- Without approval, any units and individual must not be engaged in packing decorate to presswork management activity. 未经批准,任何单位和个人不得从事包装装潢印刷经营活动。
- Advertise the result and its evaluation is very important links in the advertisement management activity. 广告效果及其评价是广告经营活动中很重要的一个环节。
- Software configuration management activities are planned. 制定了软件配置管理活动的计划。
- To be effective, they need to be conducted within a structured management system and integrated with overall management activity. 为能有效,这些方法必须在经过结构化的管理系统中加以应用,并纳入整体的管理活动之中。
- Water stabilizer including (Series of antiscale and corrosion inhibitor), Scour series, Algae fungicidal series in production &service and environment management activity. 水质稳定剂(缓蚀阻垢剂系列)、清洗剂系列、杀菌灭藻剂系列的生产和服务所涉及的环境管理活动。
- DSM is one kind of power consumption management activity, which optimizes power consumption way, economizes energy and reduces cost. 需求侧管理是一种优化用电方式、节约能源和降低成本的用电管理活动。
- Along the development of our social and economic, Financing and Accountant as an important management activity were bringing into play the ation from strength to strength. 在我国社会经济不断发展的进程中,财务与会计作为企业中一项重要的管理活动发挥着越来越重要的作用。
- Mean mankind the formation of the information resources of the society circumambience, deliver and make use of but open the management activity of exhibition withService activity. 是指人类社会围绕信息资源的形成、传递和利用而开展的管理活动与服务活动。
- Secondly, in blending in the brand connotation that interlinks an enterprise Wu of kimono of daily management activity, let consumer is known and feel a brand. 其二,将连锁企业的品牌内涵融入到日常经营活动和服务中,让消费者熟悉并感知品牌。
- The tax law enforcement refers to that the tax authority enforces the national laws, regulations and rules about the administrative management activity of tax. 再者,它是税务行政机关执行国家有关税务行政管理活动方面的法律、法规和规章的行为。
- Through empirically research, knowledge management activity and information technology both can influence organizational citizenship behavior positively and apparently. 透过实证之结果,本文发现知识管理、资讯科技运用分别对组织公民行为产生正面且显著的影响;
- The focus of the study was on those information practices most directly related to financial management activities. 研究重点是针对那些与资金业务管理活动关系最密切的信息措施。
- Responsible for all operational and management activities of the Hotel Management Company. 全面负责酒店管理公司相关工作。
- Responsible for all operational and management activities of the Real Estate Development Company. 负责房地产开发公司相关工作。
- Implement and use of ERP make Curtis obtain great boon. But design of ERP mostly aim at produce, circulation, financial field; toward enterprise management activity, traditional ERP have not provide a valid method on sale service and market. ERP的实施应用使科斯得到很大的实惠,但是,ERP的设计主要针对生产、流通、财务领域,而对与客户有关的企业经营活动,比如,在销售、服务和营销活动方面,传统的ERP系统还无法提供一个有效的手段。
- The Kano Customer Satisfaction Model indicates that it is wise to put the resources and management activities on the key requirement of customers. “卡诺顾客满意模型”告诉我们,要将资源和管理活动的重点放在关键的顾客需求上,哪些才是关键的顾客需求?
- This study through exploratory interview and found the knowledge management actives in Tamsui shops is not completely. 在实务上,本研究发现中小企业的服务创新确实可以带动组织绩效,而厂商多半是著重在情境与组织创新活动上。