- Resources have also been directed to programs which aim to raise productivity through better farm management and improved rural health and education service. 还对一些旨在通过农田管理和改善农村卫生和教育服务以提高生产率的规化投入资源。
- Aviation Industry Press (AIP), founded in 1985, it mainly publishes scientific and technical literatures, such as books, textbooks, periodicals, handbooks and CD-ROMs in R &D, production, management and education of aviation as well as other fields. 图书部以成立于1985年的航空工业出版社为主体,主要出版与航空科研、生产、经营管理、教育等方面有关的图书、教材、工具书、科普读物和电子出版物。
- There are some countermeasure that are renewing and reconstructing zoology, enhancing protection of air environment and water environment in beauty spot, intensifying management and education for gauchos, and strengthening inductivity for tourist etc. 相应的治理对策主要有:生态恢复和重建工作;加强景区大气环境、水环境的保护管理;加强对牧民旅游服务活动的管理和培训,强化牧民的环境保护意识;加强对旅游者旅游活动行为的积极引导;大力提倡生态旅游,与国际旅游市场接轨。
- Talks between management and unions have collapsed. 资方和工会的谈判失败了。
- The corresponding inco poreal assets management mode and running mode were put forward in the aspect of the development and education,management and operation of incorporeal assets in SWA. 在此基础上在无形资产开发与培育、无形资产管理与经营等方面,提出了适应新形势的无形资产管理模式和运作方式,并已应用于西南铝。
- Talent and education are necessary to make good in certain fields. 从某种意义上讲,才干与教育为成功之要素。
- The B/S structure can be used to safely and effectively design and control the teaching management and educational administration through internet. 采用B/S结构的开发模式,可安全、有效地对网络化教务教学管理信息系统进行设计和实现。
- Janet Ouston,Management competences,school effectiveness and educational management,Educational Management and Administration 1993,21(4):212-21. 陈垄,冯施钰译.;教育管理的专业发展,香港:香港公开大学出版社
- Espicalty,study the conversion of Tator's science management thoughts in the management and educational management in China. 以及微观具体领域里的的运用,尤其是在教育管理领域里的 运用。
- Provides project management consulting and education support. 提供项目管理咨询和培训支持。
- Geronimo is experienced with teaching and education management. 曾多次到中国参加学术交流。
- There is a great deal of friction between the management and the work force. 劳资双方之间存在大量矛盾。
- relationship between management and education 管育关系
- Foster our children's well-being and education. 培养我们的孩子使其具有良好的身体状况和教育程度。
- Beijing ELFA Education Management And Consultancy Limited. 北京爱儿坊教育管理咨询有限公司。
- Jewish Culture and Education IV. 犹太文化教育研究。
- Management and disposal of a trust or an estate. 地产管理财产或地产的管理或处理
- Wuchang is the center for technology and education. 武昌是科教中心。
- Knowledge is power and education is for freedom. 知识是力量/权力,教育是为了自由。
- Build up the business ethics culture, manage and educate employees on business ethics. 建立商业道德文化,管理和教育员工商业道德。