- management sciences journal 管理科学期刊
- PubMed Central is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's digital archive of life sciences journal literature. 公共医学中心是美国国家图书馆的生命科学期刊文章医学数位资料库。
- Xu Z S,Da Q L.Study on method of combination weighting[J].Chinese Journal of Management Science,2002,10(2):84-87. [4]徐泽水;达庆利.;多属性决策的组合赋权方法研究[J]
- Xu Zhenning, Zhang weiming, Chen wenwei. A research on MAS oriented group decision-making support system. Journal of Management Science. 徐振宁,张维明,陈文伟。基于MAS的群决策支持系统研究。管理科学学报。
- The result of this study will appear in a leading science journal. 这项研究成果将公布于一家领先的科学期刊上。
- Admissibility in the General Growth Curve Model[A]Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Management Sciences[C], 2008 . 侯景臣;佟毅.;矩阵损失下约束线性模型中回归系数的线性可容许估计[A]2003中国现场统计研究会第十一届学术年会论文集(上)[C];2003
- Among them applied the computer science, mathematics and management sciences. 其中应用了计算机科学、数学和管理科学。
- Yao Jie, Chi Hong, Ji Lei. The Application of Structural Equation Model with Latent Variables in the Emergency Management.Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2005(2). 姚杰,池宏,计雷.;带有潜变量的结构方程模型在突发事件应急管理中的应用[J]
- Kolisch R. and Paman R.(2001).“An integrated survey of deterministic project scheduling”Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, 29,pp.249-272. 张焕光,中运量捷运系统维修计画,台北市政府捷运工程局,1989年。
- Twenty-five full-time MBA students, Dean and faculty members from Aletheia University Graduate School of Management Sciences, Taiwan visited the School on 29 July 2008....... 二十五位台湾真理大学管理科学研究所的全日制MBA学员、院长及老师于二零零八年七月二十九日参观浸会大学......
- A renier M J,Hourry L,Sw eeney M ary.Sciences of the Art ificial and Know ledge Product ion:the Crucial Role of Intervention Research in Management Sciences. 朱东华;数据挖掘技术在科研成果评估系统中的应用.;科学学与科学技术管理;2003;
- The management science on administration organization II. 行政组织管理学2。
- Writing in the science journal Nature,Shapiro and his team describe their DNA computer the automaton which can answer certain yes or no questions. 在《自然》科学杂志刊登的一篇文章里,沙皮罗和研究小组成员把DNA计算机视为能准确判断是非的自动装置。
- I leafed through some science journals. 我快速翻看一些科学的期刊。
- International weekly science journal, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 美国科学促进会出版,综合科学周刊,既有研究性文章,也有科学新闻,评论等。
- Domain decomposition method for implicit two-sided obstacle problems, Natural Science Journal of XiangtanUniversity. 双障碍问题的区域分解法,湘潭大学学报。
- Andrzej Sluzek. Keypoint-based Framework for Warehousing Images and Visual Information Retrieval[A]. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences[C], 2007 . 王帅;惠兴杰;李晓奇.;一个导出的贴近度公式[A]
- Science Journal Reviews Papers by Ex-MIT Professor Who Was Fired for Allegedly Fabricating Data. 科学杂志重新核前麻省理工大学教授的论文,该教授被指控编造实验数据而遭解雇。
- Their study, published in science journal Nature, shows humans use a network of brain cells to help them navigate . 他们的研究,发表在自然科学杂志上,向人们展示了人类通过细胞网络帮助自己导航的这一奇妙现象。
- Luo B,Xiong Z K,Yang X T.An EOQ model taking account of the linear time-varying increasing demand under stock dependent selling rate[J].Chinese Journal of Management Science,2002,10(6):66-71. [6]罗兵;熊中楷;杨秀苔.;存货影响销售率且理论需求为线性时变函数时的EOQ模型[J]