- Peter is good at managing money. 彼德善于理财。
- He is good at managing money matters. 他很会理财。
- Managing money matters is messy and troublesome. 理财是一件琐杂的事情。
- But you must be good at managing money then. 你必须能妥善地管理自己的钱财。
- When it comes to managing money, Aries, you must follow one simple rule: Pay yourself first. 白羊:对羊儿来说,必须要遵循的一个简单规则就是:先把自己养活。
- Xinhua Vienna Oct 3 (Reporter Liu Gang) depositing money in Austrian banks are a favorite way of managing money. 新华网维也纳10月3日电(记者刘钢)将钱存入银行是奥地利人喜爱的一种理财方式。
- Manage money wisely. Don't let money burn a hole in your pocket. 三思而后行。精明地理财。不要留不住钱财。
- When Buffett began managing money in 1956 with $100,000 cobbled together from a handful of investors, he was dubbed an oddball. 1956年巴菲特拿着10万美元和他的投资伙伴开始了自己的投资,因为他的所作所为使他被称为少数的固执者。
- As part of the agreement, Standard Chartered said it would introduce clients who use its wholesale banking arm to Fleming Family, which specialises in managing money for wealthy families. 作为协议的一部分,渣打银行表示,将把其批发银行业务客户介绍给弗莱明家族与合伙公司;该公司专门为富裕家族提供理财服务。
- In Britain he would have to get new approval from the FSA to manage money, since he was dropped from its approved list when he left GLG. 在英国,他必须向金融服务管理局重新申请批准以管理资金,因为当他离开GLG公司之后,他的名字已被从批准名单中勾去了。
- With a track record of better than 20 percent average annual performance, he is an equal to Turtles who managed money for clients since 1988. 记录表明,他的平均年收益比平均值20%25要好,从1988年开始,他为客户理财。
- If your vision includes great wealth, then start now learning how to manage money, budget funds, save money and invest money. 如果你的梦想是有很多的财富,那么你现在就要学习如何管理钱财,预算资金,节省花费,正确投资。
- Venture Capital Fund Venture capital funds pool and manage money from investors seeking private equity stakes in small and medium-size enterprises with strong growth potential. 创业基金寻求对潜力强大小型或中型企业进行私人股本投资的投资者组成的创业基金。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- On the other hand, business of venture capital investment begins to manage money to having notting have the Internet industry that makes clear profit pattern wait-and-see. 另一方面,风险投资商对于尚未有明确盈利模式的互联网行业开始持币观望。
- Munger: We wouldn't be surprised if professionally managed money in the US will have unimpressive returns relative to the high returns we had until three years ago. 曼格:如果过去三年美国专业管理的基金绩效表现远低于我们,我们一点都不会感到讶异。
- Preventing Risk from Managing Money Matters of RMB 人民币理财市场风险当防患未然
- Individual foreign exchange managing money 个人外汇理财
- Let us pray for Christians who are seeking true direction in their lives, needing the wisdom in how to manage money and finding true gratification with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. 许多信徒也在无止境的金钱追逐中迷失了心灵的方向,求圣灵适时开通他们的眼睛和耳朵,提醒他们,唯有基督能带来真正的满足。
- I can cajole some money out of my father. 我能设法向父亲再要到一点钱。