- manhole coaming 人孔围板
- What is the height of the coaming? 围板的高度?
- Someone is working in the manhole. 有人在(锅炉的)检修孔中工作。
- What's more ,don't bang against the hatch coaming. 再有,不要撞击舱口围板。
- What's more, don't bang against the hatch coaming. 再者,不要撞击舱口围板。
- I need to find a manhole tool... 我需要找个通道盖子工具...
- Here's the question: Why are manhole covers round? 这个问题是:为什么下水道井盖都是圆的?
- Or the manhole cover outside your apartment? 还是你公寓外面的下水井盖?
- Why are manhole cover round in shape? 点解下水道的盖是圆形的?
- Please move the manhole cover away. 请将人孔盖移开。
- We can make a manhole for servicing. 可做维修清洗人孔。
- Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on board. 货舱口围板船上安装精度检查。
- Cast iron manhole covers are the best alternatives. 是铸铁井盖最理想的替代品。
- Other areas shall use “B” type manhole covers. 其余的人孔盖为B型人孔盖。
- Inspecting welding seam of hatch coaming after welding. 货舱口围板焊接后焊缝检查。
- No.5 cargo hatch coaming skirting port and stb. forward cracked. 5货舱前舱口端梁左右端开裂.
- Keep proper length of pipe when put into the manhole. 布放后应保留适当长度于引进端人(手)孔或拉箱内。
- Say, Doc, did a guard go by here with a manhole cover tool? 嘿,博士,有警卫会带著通道盖子工具经过这边吗?
- One of the chaps found an open manhole leading to the sewers... 一条是我们的人找到,从下水道过去...
- How about that manhole In the courtyard. You been down there? 那么广场下面的通道呢?你下去过吗?