- Describes a manifest file reference. 描述清单文件引用。
- File must be a standalone XML manifest file. 文件必须是独立XML清单文件。
- Save and close the deployment manifest file. 保存并关闭部署清单文件。
- Select the Manifest File property page. 选择“清单文件”属性页。
- The manifest file is new in Eclipse 3. manifest文件是Eclipse 3中的新功能。
- Ensure that you updated the manifest file and signed it again. 确保更新了清单文件并再次对它签名。
- For example, the structure of the manifest file looks as follows. 例如,清单文件的结构如下所示。
- Specifies the name of the generated output manifest file. 指定生成的输出清单文件的名称。
- Reads an XML manifest file into an object representation. 将XML清单文件读入对象表示形式中。
- The manifest file does not begin with the required tag and format information. 清单文件没有以要求的标记和格式信息开始。
- A pointer to a string buffer that holds the current path to the manifest file. 指向包含清单文件当前路径的字符串缓冲区的指针。
- To create a level of indirection a manifest file on the server is used. 为产生一间接级别,在服务器上使用一个显式的文件。
- It must provide the Eclipse Platform with an editor launcher class as specified in the manifest file. 所以它必须为Eclipse Platform提供一个清单文件中指定的编辑器启动程序类。
- The deployment manifest file must be strongly named and can also contain certificates for publisher validation. 该部署清单文件必须使用强名称,并且还可以包含用于发行者验证的证书。
- Contains the class that performs the action specified in the action set in the manifest file. 包含的类将执行在清单文件的操作集合中指定的操作。
- The linker does not embed the manifest file inside the binary, and can only generate the manifest as an external file. 链接器不会将清单文件嵌入到二进制文件中,而只能将其作为外部文件生成。
- The name of a deployment manifest file must end with the. Application extension. 部署清单文件的名称必须以.;application扩展名结尾。
- This Warning event indicates that the Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service did not find an offline address book manifest file (oab. Xml). 此警告事件表示Microsoft Exchange文件分发服务找不到脱机通讯簿的清单文件(oab.;xml)。
- Using this strategy, the application will attempt to locate and read the deployment manifest file each time the user launches the application. 如果使用此策略,则每当用户启动应用程序时,应用程序都会尝试查找并读取部署清单文件。
- The Manifest file, a configuration file that describes the structure and contents of the. Cab file, is the only required component for the. Cab file. 清单文件(Manifest file)是一个用来描述.;cab文件结构和内容的配置文件;是