- If the trademark is used on crudely manufactured commodities that are passed off as being of high quality, thus deceiving consumers. 粗制滥造,以次充好,欺骗消费者的。
- Then, when an American needs iron, coal, copper, woolens, cottons, or anything else in the shape of manufactured commodities, the operation begins. 最权威的保护论刊物对这个制度的目的描述如下:“使一部分劳动力与资本,从原来的渠道流向法律鼓励或创造的渠道。”
- Relating to commodities thus manufactured and sold. 与在这种情况下生产和出售出的商品有关的
- In case the specifications of an imported or domestically manufactured commodity are inconsistent with the official inspection standards for a specific reason, such reason shall be reported to and approved by the BSMI in advance. 输入或国内产制之商品如因特殊原因,其规格与检验标准不同者,应先经标准检验局核准。
- CA Cement Clinker is a manufactured commodity which raw materials are high quality limestone and bauxite.The raw materials should be mixed according to suitable ratio to pelletize. 铝酸钙熟料是以经优质的钙质、铝质原材料按适当的比例配合,经成型后烧结至部分熔融而制成。
- Trading in commodities was brisk. 商品交易兴旺。
- Traders sold basic commodities to the tribesmen. 商人向部落里的人出售生活必需的商品。
- Chinese commodities available for export are varied. 中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。
- An unnamed or hypothetical manufactured article. 未定名的主要新产品未命名的或假想的制品
- She manufactured a false story to hide the facts. 她编 造瞎话以掩盖事实。
- The agricultural commodities are abundant this year. 今年的农产品很丰富。
- A place where drugs and chemicals are manufactured. 药厂用于生产药品和化学物质的地方
- On display are more than40,000 samples of export commodities. 陈列的出口商品的样品共四万多种。
- The Spring Export Commodities Fair closed in Guangzhou on May15. 春季出口商品交易会在5月15日于广州闭幕。
- Grocers have agreed to bring down the cost of several basic commodities. 杂货商们同意降低几样日常必须品的售价。
- The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities. 这封信主要是关於出口商品的。
- A range of popular microcomputers manufactured by Apple Computers. 由Apple计算机公司制造的各种普及型微型计算机。
- The country is heavily dependent on its exports of agricultural commodities. 这个国家很大程度上依靠农产品的出口。
- One who deals aggressively in stocks or commodities. (在股市、商业界)积极交易的人
- We have to cheapen commodities at the moment. 目前我们只好使商品削价。