- He ordered that we march on that night. 他命令我们这天夜里继续前进。
- Bill got the job by getting up earlier than Mike. Bill stole a march on Mike. 比尔比迈克起得早些,所以得到了那份工作。比尔抢先了一步。
- It was unexpected that you stole a march on me. 没料到你抢在了我的前面。
- The British army is ready to march on the city. 英军准备好向那座城市挺进了。
- His pages march on, direct and circumstantial. 他的文章滔滔不绝,稳健有力,紧密细致。
- The soldiers march on arm in arm. 战士们手挽手向前进。
- The three Armies march on, each face glowing. 三军过后尽开颜。
- The boots cleaned, the soldiers began to march on. 靴子擦干净后,士兵们开始行军。
- The commander waved to the soldiers to march on. 军官挥手叫士兵前进。
- The general commanded his soldiers to march on. 一般的;普通的;全面的;大概的。如:
- I have decided to march on July 1. 我决定在七一上街。
- Their lands march on our estate. 他们的土地毗邻我们的庄园。
- Braving the enemy's fire, March on! 冒着敌人的炮火,前进!
- Braving the enemy's gunfire, march on! 冒着敌人的炮火,前进!
- Selflessly braving the enemy's gunfire, march on! 冒着敌人的炮火前进!
- So we heart with gratitude and march on. 于是我们怀着感激的心,奋勇前进。
- The commander rapped out an order to march on. 指挥官厉声下达命令,要求继续前进。
- Bill got full marks this time and he stole a march on Tom. 比尔这次考了满分,压过了汤姆。
- Her new series will debut next March on network television. 她的新的连续剧将于明年三月在电视联播网上首次放映。
- The truth is, you're pissed off because we stole a march on you. 事实真相是:因为我们一声不响地抢在了你们的前面,所以,你们恼羞成怒了。