- The prisoners were left to rot in prison. 那些囚犯被留置在牢中任其消瘦。
- The stalks will rot and make good fertilizer. 杆儿腐烂后会成为很好的肥料。
- The prisoner is left to rot in the jail. 这个囚徒被投入监狱任凭他渐渐消瘦下去。
- There was a nice red tick in the margin. 边上打了一个漂亮的红勾。
- The meat will rot if it isn't kept cool. 肉如果不冷藏就会腐败。
- A strong household bleach might rot the fibers. 强力家用漂白剂可能会破坏衣物的纤维。
- She won by a comfortable margin. 她获胜成绩远远超过其他人。
- Oil and grease will rot the rubber of your tyres. 油污能腐蚀轮胎橡胶。
- We should stop it the minute the rot sets in. 腐败一产生,我们就应立即制止住。
- Put a mark in the margin to show the omission. 在页边作个记号表示有遗漏。
- This price will allow a good margin of profit. 这一价格可获厚利。
- We came to the margin of the wood. 我们来到树林的边缘。
- He made some notes in the margin. 他在页边空白处做笔记。
- Tom passed the examination by a narrow margin. 汤姆考试勉强及格。
- She win the seat by a margin of ten votes. 她以十票优势赢得席位。
- He backed the car into the space with a narrow margin to spare. 他将车倒进一个非常窄的停车位置。
- The rot set in when we lost that important customer in Japan. 我们失去了日本的那家重要客户後,情况越来越糟了。
- Leave a good safety margin between your car and the next. 要在你的汽车和另一辆车之间留出一段足够的安全距离。
- A strong household bleach might rot the fibres. 强力家用漂白剂可能会破坏衣物的纤维。
- The little boy likes to make notes in the margin of books. 小男孩喜欢在书页空白边上做笔记。