- Partridge, Naval Academy 1936, had been with the 4th Marine Division at Roi-Namur, Saipan, Tinian, and Iwo Jima. 帕特里杰1936年毕业于海军学院,曾跟随陆战4师在罗伊-那慕尔岛、塞班岛、天宁岛、及硫磺岛作战。
- The 1st Marine Division was to reach the border by way of Chinhung-ni, Koto-ri, and Hagaruri. 在讲述了以鸭绿江为目标的钳形攻势之后,阿蒙德再一次转向了势态图。
- Other code talkers went with the Third Marine Division and the Raiders to Bougainville. 其他纳瓦霍通信兵跟随海军陆战队第三师前往布干维尔岛。
- Corps issued an order attaching the 65th Infantry and the ROK 26th Regiment to the 1st Marine Division. 第10军发出了一道命令将第65步兵师和南朝鲜军第26团配属给陆战1师指挥。
- Corps issued its Operation Order 10-50, calling for the immediate embarkation of the 1st Marine Division. 第10军下达了该军的第10-50号作战命令,要求陆战1师立刻投入装船事宜。
- Minutes later, the 1st Marine Division launched an offensive against entrenched communist troops.Ca. 1951.Cpl. 几分钟后,第一陆战师发动攻势进攻不易攻破的共产党部队。
- For the first 43 miles north from Hungnam the 1st Marine Division's MSR was a two-lane highway passing through relatively flat terrain. 陆战1师主要补给线从兴南北上的前43英里是在相对平坦地势上的双车道公路。
- As the Commanding General, 1st Marine Division (Reinforced), S.L.Howard rejected Bailey and Vogel's recommendation of clemency for Pierson. 实际上,15年判决在当时海军陆战队第一师司令何华德看来,还是轻的呢。
- Meanwhile, in accordance with Almond's decision on 3 November, X Corps troops and the 1st Marine Division continued to share the responsibility for the Wonsan-Hungnam MSR. 与此同时,根据阿蒙德11月3日的决定,第10军的部队和陆战1师继续分段负责元山至兴南的主要补给线。
- Almond therefore decided that once the 1st Marine Division passed through the Hamhung-Hungnam perimeter defense it would be relieved from active combat and evacuated. 阿蒙德因此决定一旦陆战1师穿过咸兴-兴南防线就即刻解除战斗任务准备撤离。
- Subsequently, the study of operations by the 1st Marine Division against CCF in the vicinity of the Chosen Reservoir substantiated the theory in rather complete detail. 后来,对陆战1师在长津湖附近与中共军队的历次战斗的研究以更完整的细节证实了该理论。
- Where is the Marine division? 海洋部在什么地方?
- Headquarters Battalion First Marine Division 陆战一师司令部直属营
- There is a clear division of labor in ants. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。
- Marine plants grow on the sea bed. 海生植物长在海底。
- Addition and division are forms of computation. 加法和除法都是计算方法。
- Is that a fair division of the money? 那样分款公平吗?
- The Bill was read without a division. 该法案未经分组表决即进行宣读。
- The division moved forward and broke new ground. 师团向前挺进,挖掘新的战壕。
- Water pollution imperils all kinds of marine life. 水质污染危及所有海洋生物。