- The wastage of marine environmental resources by human activities and its monetary evaluation 人类活动对近海环境资源的损耗及其货币化评估
- marine environmental resources 近岸海洋
- Efforts should be made to specially protect and improve the ecological environment where human and environmental resources clash sharply. 重点保护和改善人口与环境资源矛盾尖锐区域的生态环境。
- In conclusion, the exploitation of free environmental resources will not cause the destruction of the ecological environment. 综合结果说明种植业系统对环境资源的利用不会引起生态环境的破坏。
- These Regulations are formulated in order to implement the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and prevent pollution damage to marine environment resulting from offshore petroleum exploration and development. 为实施《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》,防止海洋石油勘探开发对海洋环境的污染损害,特制定本条例。
- Marine environmental protection is a major component of China's environmental protection efforts, as the country has a vast maritime territory. 中国拥有辽阔的海域,海洋环境保护是中国环境保护工作的一个重要组成部分。
- In recent years,an administration system for marine environmental protection has been gradually set up. 近年来,中国逐步建立了海洋环境保护管理体制。
- In YRB, the researches on the environmental resources and water quality management is still not satisfied, the implementation of environment and water quality management in the YR is weak. 但在黄河流域这些方面的研究还处于起步状态,特别是水量调度与河流生态环境的关系还没有成熟的研究成果可用于实践。
- Where existing provisions concerning marine environmental protection contradict this Law, this Law shall prevail. 现行的有关海洋环境保护的规定,凡与本法抵触的,均以本法为准。
- Finally,the future coorperation with UNEP in marine environmental protection has also been predicted. 同时也宏观预测了我国海洋环境保护与UNEP的合作前景。
- This Law shall not apply to the prevention and control of marine environmental pollution by solid waste or of environmental pollution by radioactive solid waste. 固体废物污染海洋环境的防治和放射性固体废物污染环境的防治不适用本法。
- IOC/KOICA/KORDI 1998 Training Course on Marine Environmental Conservation.Korea, 18-31 October 1998. 海洋溢油污染水质资料库系统训练课程行政院环保署、国立中山大学主办,民国91年10月18日。
- Water is essential for human being, economic activities, and important environmental resources as well. 水资源是人类生存和社会经济发展的重要物质基础,也是重要的环境资源,水危机已严重影响人们生活,损害人类健康,阻碍经济发展,危及人类自身生存与发展。
- Many factors including seasonal, regional and marine environmental conditions affects the CPUE. 影响CPUE标准化的因素很多,包括季节、区域和海洋环境等。
- The simultaneous demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources, such as nutrients, living space, or light. 生态环境两个或多个物种同时对有限环境资源的需求,如营养、生存空间或光照
- The environmental resources have rareness,should consider the environmental cost in economic development. 环境资源具有稀缺性,经济发展应当考虑环境成本。
- Article 46 Where existing provisions concerning marine environmental protection contradict this Law,this Law shall prevail. 第四十六条 现行的有关海洋环境保护的规定,凡与本法抵触的,均以本法为准。
- Our increased awareness of the scarcity value of environmental resources makes this lacuna especially troubling. 我们对环境资源稀缺价值意识的增强,让这种忽略令人尤为担心。
- The environmental protection department under the State Council shall be in charge of the marine environmental protection of the whole country. 国务院环境保护部门主管全国海洋环境保护工作。
- Marine environmental protection is a major component of China's environmental protection efforts,as the country has a vast maritime territory. 中国拥有辽阔的海域,海洋环境保护是中国环境保护工作的一个重要组成部分。