- Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Pelagic Calanoid Copepoda: Bathypontiidae, Arietellidae, Augaptilidae,. 新西兰海洋动物区系:哲水蚤类。
- Carbonate sediments, in general and reefs, in particular, can only be studied profitably with the aid of a detailed knowledge of the ecology of modern marine fauna and flora. 碳酸盐岩沉积物,特别是生物礁,只有在现代海洋动物群落和植物群落生态学详细资料的帮助下才能获得有益的研究成果。
- Carbonate sediments, in general, and reefs, in particular, can only be studied profitably with the aid of a detailed knowledge of the ecology of modem marine fauna and flora. 碳酸盐岩沉积物,特别是生物礁,只有在现代海洋动物群落和植物群落生态学详细资料的帮助下才能获得有益的研究成果。
- Carbonate sediments, in general, and reefs, in particular, can only be studied profitably with the aid of a detailed knowledge of the ecology of modern marine fauna and flora. 碳酸盐岩沉积物,非凡是生物礁,只有在现代海洋动物群落和植物群落生态学具体资料的帮助下才能获得有益的研究成果。
- Carbonate sediments, in general, and reefs, in particular, can only be studied profitably with the aid of a detailed knowledge of the ecology of modern marine fauna and flora. 碳酸盐岩沉积物,特别是生物礁,只有在现代海洋动物群落和植物群落生态学详细资料的帮助下才能获得有益的研究成果。
- Transient species such as the yellow croaker and melon seed, typically found off northern China and Japan, bolster the resident marine fauna when the monsoonal flow brings in cooler waters. 此外,还有一些基本上在中国北部及日本水域出没的过境品种,诸如黄花鱼及瓜核鱼,这些鱼类随着较凉的季节性水流来港,令该段时间本港的海洋动物数量大增。
- The natural history of many common shore animals, particularly the more sedentary molluscs and crustacea of rocky shores and mangroves has been studied, but broad gaps remain in the knowledge of local marine fauna. 很多常见的近岸动物,特别是附在多石海岸及红树林的软体动物及贝介类,其博物学早已受广泛研究,但有关本地海洋动物的知识,多处仍鲜为人知。
- The natural history of many common shore animals,particularly the more sedentary molluscs and crustacea of rocky shores and mangroves has been studied,but broad gaps remain in the knowledge of local marine fauna. 很多常见的近岸动物,特别是附在多石海岸及红树林的软体动物及贝介类,其博物学早已受广泛研究,但有关本地海洋动物的知识,多处仍鲜为人知。
- Transient species such as the yellow croaker and melon seed,typically found off northern China and Japan,bolster the resident marine fauna when the monsoonal flow brings in cooler waters. 此外,还有一些基本上在中国北部及日本水域出没的过境品种,诸如黄花鱼及瓜核鱼,这些鱼类随着较凉的季节性水流来港,令该段时间本港的海洋动物数量大增。
- Over these sixty years, continuous research of our marine fauna and flora, ranging from their taxonomy, biology, ecology to ecotoxicology, has been conducted principally in the tertiary institutions. 在这六十多年间,海洋生物的探究持续在专上学院进行,范围包括分类学、生物学、生态学和生态毒理学等。
- "Minoan building material, pottery and cups along with food residue such as isolated animal bones were mixed up with rounded beach pebbles and sea shells and microscopic marine fauna. "迈诺安文明使用的建材、陶器和杯子,与食物的残渣,诸如圈养的动物骨头,一起全部混在海滩上小圆石、贝壳与微小的海洋生物之间。
- This dimensional diversity was one reason for choosing tuna from an array of marine fauna, for it suggests that the basic tunaesque shape must possess some desirable hydrodynamic properties. 从一系列的海洋动物选择金枪鱼的原因之一是大小的差异性,因为它显示出金枪鱼基本形状应当具备一些令人想要的水动力性能。
- The marine fauna of New Zealand: Chaetognatha (Aroow worms) 新西兰海洋动物区系:毛鄂动物(箭虫)
- The marine fauna of New Zealand: Pelagic copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Oncaeidae 新西兰海洋动物区系:海洋桡足类甲壳动物
- Marine plants grow on the sea bed. 海生植物长在海底。
- Water pollution imperils all kinds of marine life. 水质污染危及所有海洋生物。
- America had the largest mercantile marine. 美国当时拥有最大的商船队。
- The rocks are covered by marine plants. 岩石被海生植物所覆盖。
- Are there any other clauses in marine policies? 海运险还包括其它条款吗?
- This lesson pertains to marine animals. 这一课讲海洋动物。