- "The marine sanctuary on Tria Island was established to protect certain marine mammals. " Tria岛的海洋生物禁猎区是用来保护某些海洋哺乳动物的。
- Schoolmaster snappers hover near a support for the Aquarius underwater research station at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. 可耻的真鲷徘徊接近在一个为提供叫水瓶座水下实验室位于佛罗里达要害的国家海洋避难所。
- It is true that concern about the possible impacts on ocean health of activities associated with the oil and gas industry has provoked some to embrace openly the marine sanctuary concept as a way to inhibit future development. 确实,石油和天然气开采业可能会给海洋健康带来很大的影响,这促使一些人认为建立海洋保护区阻碍了未来的发展。
- Hanauma Bay is a marine sanctuary on the Southeast of Oahu.It is a well-known place for recreational swimming, snorkeling, and picnic.It is also attractive for its clear and calm water. 位于欧胡岛东南岸,景色迷人,有许多的珊瑚礁,是许多热带鱼长年聚居的地方,也是体验与鱼共游的好去处。
- The designation of a second site, the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary, adjacent to the John Pennecamp Coral Reef State Park, brought an additional 100 square miles under special protection. 它的建立又将100平方英里的水域划入了保护范围。
- The designation of special marine reserves and marine sanctuaries shall be subject to the State Council for approval. 海洋特别保护区、海上自然保护区的确定,须经国务院批准。
- Partnerships in the National Marine Sanctuary Program 国家海洋野生动物禁猎区计划中的伙伴关系
- No additional outlet for discharging sewage shall be allowed within marine sanctuaries, aquacultural grounds and seashore scenic and tourist areas. 在海上自然保护区、水产养殖场、海滨风景游览区内,不得新建排污口。
- Dr Chandler says that marine conservation now requires either the reform of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act or entirely new legislation. 查德勒博士说海洋保护现在需要国家海洋禁猎法案的改革或者全新的立法。
- No additional outlet for discharging sewage shall be allowed within marine sanctuaries,aquacultural grounds and seashore scenic and tourist areas. 在海上自然保护区、水产养殖场、海滨风景游览区内,不得新建排污口。
- Given the diversity of size and composition of the areas designated as marine sanctuaries, it is not easy to find descriptive terms that fit all of them. 正如国家公园无法拒绝由微风吹来的被污染了的空气,海洋保护区同样无法拒绝由洋流带来的有毒废弃物。
- It is possible to restrict deliberate dumping in marine sanctuaries, but difficult to keep out whatever comes from adjacent land and sea. 人们可以采取措施限制向海洋保护区倾倒废弃物,但是很难控制由附近的陆地或者水域带来的任何有害物质。
- It has done this by instituting various closed fishing seasons, closed fishing areas, marine sanctuaries and moratorium systems, banning harmful fishing gear and methods, and restricting the size of net meshes and the proportion of young fish. 中国先后建立了各种禁渔期、禁渔区、保护区和休渔制度,取缔有害渔具渔法,限制网目尺寸和幼鱼比例。
- The escaped prisoner found sanctuary in the temple. 逃跑的囚犯在寺院里获得了庇护。
- Is it on the island that they have found their sanctuary? 他们是在这个岛上找到了他们的避难所吗?
- It has done this by instituting various closed fishing seasons,closed fishing areas,marine sanctuaries and moratorium systems,banning harmful fishing gear and methods,and restricting the size of net meshes and the proportion of young fish. 中国先后建立了各种禁渔期、禁渔区、保护区和休渔制度,取缔有害渔具渔法,限制网目尺寸和幼鱼比例。
- Marine plants grow on the sea bed. 海生植物长在海底。
- Conservationists had hitherto been struggling to preserve the waters around Hawaii using the National Marine Sanctuaries Act.The battle had been expected to continue for at least another year. 迄今为止环保者们一直在运用国家海洋禁猎法案为保护夏威夷周边水域而奋斗。
- A place of refuge or rest; a sanctuary. 避难所避难或休息的地方; 庇护所