- maritime operational command 海上作战指挥
- United States Special Operations COMmand, USSOCOM. 美国特种作战司令部。
- Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 具有完全驾驭语言的能力:适宜、准确、流畅、理解正确。
- Expert User. Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解。
- BAND 9 Expert User: Has fully operational command of the language appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 9分专家级:具有完全的语言实际运用能力,达到恰当、准确、流利并理解透彻。
- However, a party which is engaged in maritime operations must comply with the sanction before filing a suit. 但是,在海上作业的,必有先执行有关处罚决定。
- Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. 完全可以运用英语,只是偶尔出现非原则性的不准确和不得体;在涉及不熟悉的情景时出现理解失误;
- Thales Australia is collaborating on sonar evolution with DSTO Maritime Operations Division. 目前,泰利斯澳大利亚公司正与DSTO海上作战分部联合开发声纳技术。
- The Board of Directors, all of a sudden dismission Kali exesting company politically but not with the operational command of the seathe distensibility of m&a. 董事会突然解聘卡莉,既有公司政治的因素起作用,又与一时驾驭不了的扩张性并购有关。
- Is subject to the present title, every contract of insurance which has as its object the guaranty of risks in respect of a maritime operation. 受现行名称的制约;保险合同是指其客体旨在保证有关海上营运各项风险的保险合同.
- It may be necessary to change Operation Command Post to Incident Command Post. 也许需要运行指挥所改变为事故指挥部。
- Maritime Operational Intelligence Summary 海上作战情报综述
- Maritime Operational Training Unit 海上作战训练装置
- Zarqawi was the operational commander of the terrorist movement in Iraq. 扎卡维是伊拉克恐怖分子的行动指挥。
- Joint Maritime Operational Training Staffs 联合海上行动训练人员
- Through the General Staff Headquarters,the General Political Department,the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department,the CMC exercises operational command over the whole PLA and leadership for the development of the PLA. 中央军委通过总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部、总装备部对全军实施作战指挥和建设领导。
- Good User.Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriateness and misunderstandings in somesituations.Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning. 良好,有能力运用英语,虽然在某些情况下有时会发生不准确、不适当和误解,大致掌握复杂的英语,也理解其全部内容。
- Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning. 能够运用语言,虽然偶尔有不准确、不适宜和理解偏差现象。总体上能够很好处理复杂的语言现象,理解细致的论证过程。
- Very good User. Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriateness. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well. 非常良好,能将英语运用自如,只是偶尔不连贯或用词不当,在不熟悉的状况下可能出现误解,对争论复杂细节掌握得相当好。
- England was a great maritime power. 英国曾是海上的强国。