- maritine hegemonies 海权
- Hegemonies and power politics continue to be the main source of threat to world peace and stability. 霸权主义和强权政治仍然是威胁世界和平与稳定的主要根源。
- Abstract:It is argued that globalization may lead to an unjust world under the oppression by economic, political, and cultural hegemonies. 全球化隐含着一个危机,就是经济强权、政治霸权、文化霸权可能会带来一个不公义的世界。
- It concludes that worldwide changes within and outside IR and ILS are working to curb government arbitrariness,respect human rights,and criticize various hegemonies. 这一势头在全球化的背景下发酵、升温、扩展,生发出许多重要而有趣的命题或思想线索。
- They have met with brilliant success in safeguarding China's sovereignty, opposing hegemonies and safeguarding world peace and made due contributions to the promotion of human progress. 它们在维护中国主权,反对霸权主义以及维护世界和平方面取得了巨大成功,为促进人类的进步做出了应有的贡献。
- the theory of maritime hegemonies 海权论
- Hegemonies and power politics with the strong domineering over weak 以强凌弱的霸权主义和强权政治
- The "Existence" Theory in the Perspective of Maritin's "Neo-Humanism" 马里坦"新人道主义"视域中的"存在"论
- Liu Ning Wang Hongyan Li Deyuan (Dalian Maritime University)(Dalian port office)(Dalian Maritine University); 大连海事大学;大连港务局;
- Umberto Ravaioli,Maritin Staedele(Beckman Institute,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,405 North Mathews Urbana,IL 61801,USA 郭宝增,王永青(河北大学电子与信息工程学院,保定,071002,中国
- Importation of Alfred Thayer Mahan's Theory on Maritime Hegemonies and its Impact “海权论”东渐及其影响
- Importation of Alfred Thayer Mahan's Theory on Maritime Hegemonies and Ideology on Martime Hegemonies in the Late Qing Dynasty of China 海权论的传入和晚清海权思想
- maritine ceremonial 海上礼节
- theory on maritime hegemonies 海权论
- maritime hegemonies 海权