- It provided vast market space for the rampancy of sham product. 它为假冒产品的猖厥提供了广阔的市场空间。
- Larger budgets mean better products and better odds of dominating the market space. 预算提高了,就意味着产品更好,占据市场的机会更大。
- Permethrin agricultural market space, and will maintain a momentum of rapid growth. 农用菊酯市场空间大,仍将保持快速增长势头。
- Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. 其他书名开创无人竞争的全新市场.
- Companies to "build China's first brand couple costume" as the goal, creating a new market space. 公司以“打造中国情侣装第一品牌”为目标,开创一片崭新的市场空间。
- Tussah silk as a high-end clothing and decorative materials, has a very broad market space. 摘要柞蚕丝作为衣着和装饰用高档原料,有着十分广阔的市场空间。
- Urban economic and social advances of civilization, for the development of enterprises to provide a broad market space. 城市经济和社会文明突飞猛进,为企业的发展提供了广阔的市场空间。
- "As a result of the rasorial enterprise that break down numerous, the company that leave had larger market space. “由于垮掉的家禽企业众多,剩下的企业就有了更大的市场空间。”
- It is desirable that the company is in service industry that has a national market space, such as a concatenation franchised company. 具有全国性产业和市场发展空间,尤其是连锁专营服务领域。
- But the future must separate from contract business, which more specialized architecture, which gave them a lot of market space. 但是今后也要单独出去承揽业务,因为建筑专项比较多,给了他们很多的市场空间。
- Kim, W.C. &Mauborgne, R., Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2005. 吴英秦,“提升产业竞争力--立志做一个价值的创造者”,电力电子技术,第61期,2001年2月。
- In the development of Chinese medicine,we have deep culture tradition,extensive market space and abundant pharmaceutical resources. 在中医药的发展方面,我国拥有深厚的文化传统,广阔的市场空间,丰富的药植资源。
- Raw materials are sufficient for the production of wild almond oil hepolipidemic soft capsulate, and the market space is very big. 生产山杏仁油降血脂胶丸具有可靠的原材料和市场发展前景。
- With some weak competitiveness of enterprises curtain call, give high-quality businesses to vacate a certain amount of market space. 随着一些竞争力弱的企业谢幕,给优质企业腾出了一定的市场空间。
- And the South China plate "central living area" in a more strategic pan-PRD radiation power, enormous market space capacity. 而华南板块“中央居住区”在战略上更具有泛珠三角的辐射力,带来巨大的市场空间容量。
- Complete clarification of its six stifle the market space for their imagination, leading to a substantial outflow of funds. 其六点澄清说明彻底扼杀了市场对其的想象空间,导致资金大幅流出。
- Organizations use the guidance to set objectives and expectations of performance towards serving customers and market spaces and to identify, select and prioritize opportunities. 组织使用指导来制定目标,设置对客户和市场表现的期望值,识别、选择机会并对机会排序。
- To it contrary, the La Hai of aviation industry means the opportunity of the creation of incult market space, demand and growth of profit high speed. 与之相反,航空业的蓝海则意味着未开垦的市场空间、需求的创造以及利润高速增长的机会。
- Along with the integrative trend of global economy, marine enterprises face a vaster market space as well as more fierce competition. 随着全球经济一体化,海运企业迎来了一个更加广阔的市场,同时也面临更激烈的竞争环境。