- A person viewed as a prospective marriage partner. 配偶意中或约定的结婚对象
- But how about a man who preaches liberation and yet when his daughters are seeking marriage partners, can show himself the very caricature of the heavy Victorian father? 一个自吹是思想解放的人怎么能在他女儿寻找婚姻伴侣时,却显出一副维多利亚式的严父模样呢?
- We also have more control of bigamy way of marriage partners. 我们还有重婚罪管束多性伴的婚姻方式。
- Young women,on the other hand,are much more pragmatic when it comes to choosing marriage partners. 相反,年轻的女性却很善于从务实的角度选择婚姻伴侣。
- The Imbat Ket were originally divided into two exogamous phratries which exchanged marriage partners. 印八偈人原本分为两个交换配偶的异族通婚的氏族。
- Young women, on the other hand, are much more pragmatic when it comes to choosing marriage partners. 相反,年轻的女性却很善于从务实的角度选择婚姻伴侣。
- When they reach young adulthood, they choose their own careers and marriage partners. 当他们进入了青年期之后,他们选择自己的事业和结婚伴侣.
- Family circle gives you fundamental defend and encourage, tell your stories at work to your marriage partner. 有些人不愿意自己的配偶过问工作,觉得没必要让他们了解自己的职业前程。其实,家庭的支持对于工作的成功很重要。
- Now, however, a earning ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner. 然而,如今女性的收入能力能让她在作为婚姻伴侣方面有更大的吸引力。
- The exact number of the marriage partners was not always specified, as various forms of polygamy were permitted in some cultures. 当各种类型的多配偶婚姻在某些国家得到法律承认之时,婚姻伴侣的确切数目总未有规定。
- Two Geabin of these philtrum only early death harsh and cruel is the marriage partner that he adores . 这些人中唯有桀骜不驯的早逝的二哥阿宾是他崇拜的对象。
- Sixteen percent nominated doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals as their preferred marriage partners, higher than any other profession. 的人会选择医生、护士或其他医疗工作者作为结婚对象,这个比例远远高于其他职业。
- But how about a man who preaches liberation and yet when his daughters are seeking marriage partners, can show himself the very caricatureof the heavy Victorian father? 一个自吹是思想解放的人怎么能在他女儿寻找婚姻伴侣时,却显出一副维多利亚式的严父模样呢?
- Fingerprint finding that in scene makes Gete's interested party poisonous buying and reselling Weikeduo having become the suspicious marriage partner. 在现场发现的指纹使格特的当事人毒贩维克多成了怀疑对象。
- But how about a man who preaches liberation and yet when his daughters are seeking marriage partners,can show himself the very caricature of the heavy Victorian father? 一个自吹是思想解放的人怎么能在他女儿寻找婚姻伴侣时,却显出一副维多利亚式的严父模样呢?
- Robert Winch, a longtime sociology professor at Northwestern University, stated in his research that our choice of a marriage partner involves a number of social similarities. 西北大学长期研究社会学的教授罗伯特·温奇在他的研究中说,我们选择结婚对象时涉及许多相似的社会因素。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- The main body of a book take that the cheerful heart of Mu Dan Jiang City lake is small gala party as marriage partner, come the plan to design that according to the vicinity habitancy condition. 小游园建设与整个城市的绿地布局关系密切,它能完善城市的绿地系统,更好地发挥园林绿地的功能,达到装点街景、扩大绿地面积、改善生态环境的效果与目的。
- The student is both the marriage partner who estimates that and the main body estimating that , emphasizes self student's way such as judging , judging mutually. (2) dimension diversifies. 即使游戏的最后结果没有达到预期的目标,也应从学生参与体验的角度加以珍视。
- A happy marriage depends largely on give and take. 美满的婚姻在很大程度上取决于互敬互让。